The Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Top 10 Platforms for Successful Trading
The best crypto exchanges make buying, selling, and trading popular cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other digital assets easier. In this article, we’ll answer a key question for traders: what are the top 10 crypto exchanges available today? Whether you’re looking for platforms with the lowest fees, highest security, or the best options for trading Bitcoin and other top-performing coins, we’ve got you covered. Let’s explore the world of cryptocurrency trading and find the right exchange for your needs...
How to Use Bybit in the USA: A Complete Guide
Bybit has quickly become one of the most popular platforms for trading digital assets, thanks to its user-friendly interface, advanced trading tools, low fees, and many other features that make it a go-to choice for traders. However, accessing Bybit isn’t as straightforward everywhere, as the platform is restricted in several countries, including the United States. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to use Bybit in US without any hassle, including the legality aspect...
Where Can You Use ByBit? Supported and Restricted Countries Explained
Bybit is one of the leading cryptocurrency derivative exchanges, known for its ease of use, advanced trading features, and high liquidity. However, like many other cryptocurrency platforms, it operates under certain regulatory constraints and has restrictions in certain regions. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about what countries can use Bybit, including details on its supported and restricted countries, licenses, KYC requirements, and a Bybit Card. Contents1 Bybit Supported Countries2 What Countries Does Bybit Restrict?...
Cryptocurrency Exchanges with the Best Reputation
In the world of cryptocurrencies, where technology and finance are interrelated closely, the reputation of a cryptocurrency exchange plays a crucial role in its success and user trust. Reputation in the context of crypto exchanges is a complex concept that encompasses numerous factors: from the security features of cryptocurrency exchanges to the quality of customer service and transparency of operations. A good reputation for a cryptocurrency exchange is built over years of impeccable performance...
Cryptocurrency Exchanges Which Offer the Most Trading Pairs
Choosing a cryptocurrency exchange with the largest number of trading pairs plays a crucial role for every trader and investor. An exchange offering a wide assortment provides more opportunities for portfolio diversification, allows for quick responses to market changes, and gives access to rare and exotic assets. Additionally, a large number of pairs enhances liquidity and reduces spreads, which is important for efficient trading. Let’s explore exchanges with the most trading pairs, their key features...
Cryptocurrency Exchanges Offering Best Bonuses and Promotions
In the world of cryptocurrencies, where competition among exchanges is becoming increasingly fierce, choosing a platform with attractive bonuses and promotions can significantly influence the success of trading activities. Bonus programs and promotional offers not only attract new users but also stimulate the activity of existing traders, creating a more dynamic and profitable trading environment. A well-chosen exchange with generous bonuses can provide additional funds for trading, reduce risks, and open new opportunities for profit...
Earning Money with Cryptocurrency
In recent years, cryptocurrency has become a hot topic in the financial world (cryptocurrency rating). With the rise of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital currencies, people see cryptocurrencies as an opportunity for consistent income. Cryptocurrencies have firmly entered the investment landscape and are linked with the future. But how can you become a part of it and also make money with cryptocurrencies (trading on financial markets)...
Cryptocurrency Fraud: How to Avoid It?
As modern financial systems emerge, so do a variety of fraudulent schemes. This problem has not been ignored, either. Cryptocurrencieswhich do not have any clear boundaries. The cryptocurrency market has a lot of ways to cheat. As of today, the most massive ones are as follows: Blackmail. Fake crypto exchanges and handouts. Phishing in social networks. Viruses. Phishing email. Diagrams of various pyramids. In this article, we will briefly analyze each of these types of fraud...
As Briefly as Possible, about Mining and Stacking
Why do these two different words go together? Because they both mean the process of cryptocurrency mining, but they use different principles in their work, which depend on the technology on which the blockchain is built. Mining – the process of mining cryptocurrency unbundling on the algorithm POW (Proof-of-work, read on Wikipedia). The process consists of complex calculations that use powerful technical means – mining equipment, which consumes a lot of electricity, generates a lot of heat and requires proper maintenance...
How to Start Trading Cryptocurrencies: Instructions for Beginners
Digital money or Cryptocurrencies are attracting more and more people who want to make money. The correct start of cryptocurrency trading determines how successful and how long the trader will trade in the future. So, here is how to learn how to trade on the cryptocurrency exchange. Contents1 Basic strategy2 Wallets3 Coins4 Where to trade?5 It’s hard to learn Basic strategy How to earn cryptocurrencies?...
How to Make Money on Cryptocurrency Exchanges?
Amid the news about how crypto-enthusiasts are getting rich on cryptocurrency exchange “How do I make money on cryptocurrencies?” – are also asked by those who have never been involved in crypto. The cryptocurrency infrastructure is developing, and there are more and more ways to make money, both passive and active: from ordinary investments to complex strategies. We tell you how to make money on cryptocurrency exchanges nowadays. Contents1 Trading2 Arbitrage3 Steaking4 Landing5 Contests6 Farming7 Investing Trading Cryptocurrency trading on a cryptocurrency exchange is the main way a beginner can make money on a cryptocurrency exchange...
Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Rating, Parameters and Features
Decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges provide cryptocurrency exchange, with coins not stored in the exchange accounts. DEX – a decentralized exchange – acts only as an exchange platform, funds remain in the wallets of users. Decentralized exchanges charge transaction fees. Contents1 DEX vs CEX2 DEX top2.1 Uniswap2.2 SushiSwap2.3 Aave2.4 Compound2.5 Balancer2.6 Curve2.7 JustSwap2.8 Binance Dex3 How to choose DEX DEX vs CEX The principle of DEX and CEX is the same –...
Top Crypto Exchanges with Demo Account
Demo account or a demo terminal on the cryptocurrency exchange It is necessary for learning to trade, for training in trading, mastering new strategies and assets. The demo account is separated from the real terminal, operations on it are carried out by virtual coins. You don’t need to make any investments to be able to trade, but you need to register an account. Contents1 Rating of crypto-exchanges1.1 Binance1.2 OKEx1.3 BitMEX1.4 Currency.com1.5 ByBit1.6 Deribit1.7 Free2ex1.8 BTC-Alpha1.9 StormGain2 Advantages and disadvantages of demo mode Rating of crypto-exchanges In our rating of cryptocurrency exchanges with demo modes we can distinguish several...
Makers, Takers and Rates on Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Most cryptocurrencies work on a maker/taker system. Each user who places an order becomes a maker or a taker and pays a certain commission for the transaction. The amount of commission varies depending on what role the exchange client plays. They are also different on different crypto exchanges, depending on different loyalty programs, client status, additional discount system and so on. Let’s look at the commission systems of some of the largest crypto exchanges...
Sources of Information about Cryptocurrencies
There is an abundance of information on the Internet about cryptocurrenciesIt’s hard to know what to watch, read and study, especially for beginner traders or investors. There are a number of resources that have earned a good reputation with users. Usually experienced crypto-enthusiasts choose from them 2-3 sources of information, which they focus their work on. Contents1 News resources1.1 DailyCoin1.2 CoinDesk1.3 CoinTelegraph1.4 NewsBTC1.5 Bitcoinist1.6 AMBCrypto1.7 Sgurtoranis1.8 CryptoSlate1.9 Bitcoin Magazine1.10 CryptoDaily1.11 BeInCrypto2 Practical Resources2.1 Inside Bitcoins2.2 CryptoBriefing2.3 Bits.media2.4 Bloomchain2.5 Coincheckup2.6 Coinmarketcap2.7 CoinDance2.8 CryptoCompare2.9 CryptoWatch3 Utility services4 Social media News resources News about cryptocurrency market is very important first of all for traders...
Tether Reviews – Token of Honor
Tether is now of great importance to the development of the cryptocurrency industry. Despite this, cryptocurrency Tether raises doubts and suspicions among many that it is a scam. Even many crypto market participants who regularly use Tether believe that tokens are a scam. How justified is this attitude towards cryptocurrency? Contents1 What is Tether?2 What is not Tezer?3 Where and how to trade Tether cryptocurrency?3.1 Tether Limited4 Exchanges4.1 Binance4.2 EXMO4.3 Huobi5 P2P platforms5.1 PaxFul5.2 Cryptolocator5.3 Binance P2P6 Exchangers7 Wallets for Tether8 Reasons for distrusting Tezer8.1 Problems with the law8.2 Unlimited uncontrolled emission8.3 Centralization9 Conclusion What is Tether...
Uniswap Decentralized Crypto Exchange: Why and How to Use It?
Uniswap is a somewhat unusual crypto exchangewhich is a protocol on Ethereum for exchanging ERC20 tokens at prices generated mathematically, without creating demand by buyers and sellers.   Contents1 What is Uniswap?2 Exchange token3 Managing SOCKS liquidity tokens4 Trading technology and capabilities4.1 Uniswap Wallet4.2 Trading and earning4.3 Participation in the work of the exchange5 Is Uniswap a scam or not?...
Complaints about Binance – Will Support Help?
To a cryptocurrency exchange Binance (go online) there are a lot of negative reviews lately, not only on our website, but also on other platforms, on forums and so on. What is wrong with this crypto exchange? Contents1 Negative comments about Binance Exchange2 Complaints about binance.com2.1 Poor tech support2.2 Disappearance of money2.3 Problems with verification2.4 Inaccurate information display2.5 Price manipulation3 Binance –...
Spot Trading on a Cryptocurrency Exchange
Spot trading is the most common type of trading on the crypto exchangewhich is to buy and/or sell cryptocurrency and make an immediate profit (or loss). The efficiency of spot trading is enhanced by exchange tools. Exchanges provide approximately the same opportunities for spot trading, but there are nuances to consider. Contents1 What is spot trading?2 Spot crypto exchanges3 Top spot cryptocurrency exchanges3.1 Binance3.2 OKEX3.3 Huobi3.4 Bithumb3.5 EXMO4 Spot trading strategies What is spot trading...
Exchange and Plug-In Terminals for Cryptocurrency Trading
The trading terminal – the heart crypto exchanges. This is the part of the platform where users who dream of getting rich through cryptocurrency trading come. Crypto exchanges also work with third-party trading terminals that connect to crypto exchanges. Contents1 Exchange terminals2 Top exchange terminals2.1 Binance2.2 Currency2.3 Exmo2.4 ByBit2.5 BitMEX2.6 Cex2.7 Huobi2.8 Ftx2.9 Crex242.10 Kucoin3 Connected terminals4 Top Connected Terminals4.1 Coinigy4.2 3Commas4.3 Capico4.4 Margin4.5 QuanTower4.6 Moonbot4.7 TradeSanta4.8 HaasOnline5 What terminals are better for trading?...
Binance Crypto Exchange: Breakdown of the Basics and New Opportunities
Crypto Exchange Binance (go online) – the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, it has a huge volume of cryptocurrency turnover, a huge number of users, easy registration and work on it for beginners and inexperienced users. At the exchange well worked out the basic functionality, if you work carefully, there are almost no failures and difficulties. The advantage of cryptocurrency exchange is that there are always new progressive methods of working with cryptocurrencies...
Bitcoin in 2021: Forecast for the Short and Medium Term
The year 2020 was probably the best year for bitcoin in terms of value dynamics since its inception (bitcoin trading). However, will bitcoin be able to hold the heights for a long time? Let’s look at different variants of events. Contents1 The success of HODL2 Bitcoin growth drivers3 Causes of bitcoin’s fall4 Predictions for bitcoin4.1 100 thousand dollars and more4.2 $25,000 –...
Crypto Exchanges: the Most Reliable and the Most Voluminous
There are many exchanges for trading cryptocurrencies (reviews of cryptocurrencies). There are giants among them who are making huge sums of money. cryptocurrencies and Fiat and on which the world rests cryptotrading. The same crypto-exchanges are often, but not always, included in the ratings of the most reliable cryptocurrencies. Contents1 Top Reliable1.1 Binance1.2 Huobi1.3 Bitmex1.4 Okex1.5 Exmo1.6 Bithumb1.7 Kucoin1.8 Cex1.9 Bitfinex1.10 Bybit1.11 BitForex2 Security of cryptocurrencies Top Reliable Absolutely reliable crypto exchanges do not exist...
Securing Crypto-Trading or There is No Such Thing as a Safe Exchange
At cryptocurrency trading the user entrusts their funds crypto exchanges and exchangers. Even if cryptocurrency is not long on the exchange, it is still very important for the user to ensure the safety of coins. In general, crypto-exchanges present a monotonous, well-established set of tools, but there are exceptions. Contents1 Exchanges and exchangers2 Safety rules Exchanges and exchangers Binance ( Binance is one of the key exchanges of the cryptocurrency market (How to Make Money on Cryptocurrency?...
Cryptocurrency Trading Strategies
Clarity on what factors influence price dynamics cryptocurrenciesThere is still no such thing. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile, they are very poorly connected to the real economy, so it is impossible to predict their behavior with more or less high accuracy.   Contents1 The essence of trading strategies for cryptocurrency2 Varieties of strategies for trading cryptocurrency3 Top 3 crypto exchanges to practice your strategy4 How to trade on the stock exchange using a strategy?...
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Complaints about Binance –…
My funds are still frozen for no reason (60 days alredy) they…
Get Your Money Back…
Need help getting a refund from a broker, please! ***
Complaints about Binance –…
Binance exchanger, beware of it and better run, 2 times they cheated…
Trading on Forex
Hello everyone, are you interested to trade on Bitcoin Investment or you…
Martingale Strategy in Binary…
Will it block the account? Or what?
Forex Robots
I wanted to try the robot, I bought it from New hope…
Forex Robots
I've been using it for a couple of weeks now. I took…
Payment System Skrill –…
Don't mess with these scammers. I was a customer for 7 years,…
Chats and Chatbots: Functionality,…
Bots work well as an engagement tool, but not everywhere. On Instagram,…
Stock Market Training
Thanks for the good article, very helpful for beginners to make a…
Learning to Trade Forex
very useful information
MOFT: Review and Feedback
I left a negative review on Alfa Forex on their website. As…
Payment System Skrill –…
I don't recommend it very much. Very much so. You will be…
Futures Trading in Cryptocurrency:…
Oh yes, there are such cases in practice
Trading on Forex
The article is aimed at beginners, and there is a lot of…
Payment system ecoPayz –…
Ujasssssssss. Never use this website. They just took the money and didn't…
Forex Robots
What about FX Service? It's not a bad trading robot either.
MQL5 Programming Language
The MQL5 website is a scam. Taking advantage of the monopoly, are…
MOFT: Review and Feedback
Shit service. The broker's commission is $7 per lot. Of which the…
Is Cryptocurrency a Scam?
The article is ordered, the first listed forex brokers are not once…
Forex Regulators: What are…
Forex is a great topic if you understand it
Is Cryptocurrency a Scam?
Guys/colleagues in the industry, I like binance. I've been trading for a…
Payment System Skrill –…
-Complicated and long verification -High withdrawal fee -Blocks funds -Withdrawal of funds…
Chats and Chatbots: Functionality,…
Bots are real helpers. In business, they are really indispensable helpers.
Payment system ecoPayz –…
I do not understand how such companies exist for so many years…
Get Your Money Back…
can you email [email protected]?
Futures Trading in Cryptocurrency:…
Exactly! I know a friend of mine got caught up in his…
Is Cryptocurrency a Scam?
Earnings on crypto! income 20% per month, payback 4 months of the…
Crypto Trading in 2021:…
Hello everyone, I would like to express my opinion. One of the…
Futures Trading in Cryptocurrency:…
Fuck, you can't guess with these FUTURES) It's all a matter of…
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