Depositing Bitfinex account from a card
Exchange Bitfinex allows you to buy cryptocurrency from MasterCard, Visa and UnionPay bank cards. Supported debit and credit cards. The purchase is completed with third-party systems Mercuryo, Simplex and OWNR. Available cryptocurrencies depend on the site user’s account verification level
Account cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex for such transfers must be verified to intermediate or full level. It is possible to buy such tokens from a card: USDt, LTC, BTC, ETC, EOS, ETH, DASH et al.
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Such transfers are available to those who have received only the “Basic” and “Basic +” level of verification. The system will verify you so that you can make a purchase of ETH, TRX, BTC, ALG and BAT. Mercuryo supports Visa and MasterCard.
Only those with “Intermediate” level of verification or higher can make transfers through the system. Only a few cryptocurrencies are available: BTC, ETH, XAUt and USDt. The system supports MasterCard and Visa networks.
Cryptocurrency purchase procedure
To make a deposit to Bitfinex in cryptocurrency from a bank card, the user needs:
- Go to the “Top up your account – Cards” page.
- Choose a system for payment. In addition to Mercuryo, Simplex and OWNR, deposits via happyCOINS are available for instant transfer in euros.
- Choose a currency for the purchase from the suggested menu and a wallet.
- Agree to the terms of use of the selected gateway.
After being redirected to the payment service, complete the transaction and return to the exchange site to confirm the success of the transaction.
Deposit limits
Transactions on bank payment instruments are processed by payment systems, so they may charge their own fees. You can find out about them on the website of each platform. You can also check the maximums and minimums for each transaction.