Binance Commissions

For depositing funds in the form of cryptocurrencies Binance does not charge any fees. There is a transaction cost fee on withdrawals, but its value changes depending on the state of the blockchain network, without prior notification. The amount charged is displayed when assets are transferred from the account crypto exchangesIt should be checked before each transaction. Full list of fees for transfer transactions Cryptocurrencies from the exchange can be viewed on the website

Commission rate for withdrawal of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the platform. BNB (the primary means of cryptocurrency settlement on Binance, the platform’s own token):

  • on the Binance Chain blockchain (BEP2) and Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) – 0.0005, with a minimum withdrawal amount of 0.01;
  • at Ethereum (ERC20) no commission, but the minimum transfer is 0.012.


  • for the transfer on BEP2 and BEP20 charge 0.0000047, for withdrawal from 0.0000094;
  • SegWit and Bitcoin networks charge 0.0005 fee, minimum withdrawal 0.001.
  • in the ERC20 network, the rate is 0.00068, the minimum transaction is 0.0014.


  • In Binance Chain (BEP2): commission 0.5, the minimum transfer of 10;
  • Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) has no commission, transfer from 10;
  • in Ethereum (ERC20) – the rate is 35, when transferring from an account of 50 or more.


  • in the Arbitrum One network the fee is 0.003;
  • in BEP2 and BEP20 are charged 0.000069 with a minimum of 0.00014;
  • when transferring via ERC20 the rate is 0.00625, transaction from 0.01.

Important: when choosing a network, you should focus not on the size of the bet, but on the fact that the network is compatible with the wallet to which the funds are transferred. If the blockchain is not chosen correctly, cryptocurrencies will irreversibly disappear.


If you need to withdraw money in the form of fiat money, you need to keep track of which methods are available, since not all of the specified methods of withdrawal are always active. For example, crediting rubles from the account to the bank card is 2% + 45 rubles, with a limit of 100 thousand rubles per transaction, 400 thousand rubles per day and 1.5 million per month. If crediting to the card is not available, money can be transferred via payment systems Payeer or AdvCashand from the wallets of these systems, if necessary, to the card.

There are no commissions for transfers through AdvCash, but there are limits. AdvCash allows you to withdraw up to 8 million rubles at a time and up to 18 million rubles per day and month. When enrolling in Payeer, the rate is 1%, the single transaction limit of 100 thousand rubles, the daily limit of 400 thousand rubles, and 1.5 million rubles a month. When transferring to Visa or Mastercard Euro, Binance account is charged 1%. Through Advcash there are no charges for withdrawal.

You should be aware that when enrolling from these payment systems Additional interest will be charged on the cards, and it will be quite significant, which should be clarified with each withdrawal. Small amounts will probably be unprofitable in this way. Information on limits and fees should be checked with each withdrawal, it is indicated directly in the service. Any numbers can be changed without announcement. This is especially important during foreign policy problems, which can greatly affect the currency exchange rate, respectively, and the commission. And because of such events, some input methods may be disabled. You also need to watch out for alerts, because of such events there may be problems with payment transactions in specific countries.

Trade fees

When registering at the exchange, the user receives VIP-0 status. At the exchange, calculations are tied to the BUSD stabelcoin. It is assumed that BUSD is actually backed by fiat at a ratio of 1 BUSD: 1 USD. This allows investors and traders to hedge assets in blockchain, avoiding the inherent volatility of crypto, but without withdrawing money into fiat outside the exchange.

At VIP-0 level, if the balance is less than 1 million BUSD, in spot trading, the maker (liquidity provider to the exchange) and the taker pay 0.07500%. When trading USDⓈ-M futures, the maker pays 0.02000% and the taker 0.04000%, COIN-M futures, respectively, 0.01000% and 0.05000%. If the balance is between 1 million and 5 million BUSD, in spot trading and maker, and taker deduct 0.1000%.

To move to the next level, VIP 1, you must reach a trading volume of 1 million BUSD on the spot exchange or 15 million BUSD on the futures platform, and be sure to increase your balance by 25.00 BNB. Then the maker’s rate will be 0.0900%, the ticker’s rate will be 0.1000%. There are 9 user statuses, to move to each new level you need to reach a certain volume of trade and fill up the balance BNB. Accordingly, each following status reduces the trading deductions, and expands the limits.

The system of fees and limits on a crypto exchange is complicated and quite confusing, especially for newcomers. Information about changes in fees can get out of date faster than announcements. Therefore, if there is even the slightest ambiguity about how much and for what you will have to pay, it is never unreasonable to ask for clarification from the support service.

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