Verify your Binance account
After registering on a cryptocurrency exchange Binance the possibilities for conducting transactions are severely limited. To get access to all functionality, the client must be verified on the website Forgetting or ignoring the need to confirm your identity will not work, the exchange will constantly remind you of it.
After registering for the crypto exchange Binance is possible to trade on the spot, derivatives market and direct P2P exchange service, but only cryptocurrencies. Withdrawal from Binance deposit is also possible, but no more than 0.06 BTC per 24 hours. Any work with fiat requires verification.
Personal verification
By clicking “Verify” on the main page, the client goes to the “Identity Confirmation” page. At the top of the service there is a “Guide”, which is a video that shows the procedure for confirming documents.
There are two types of identity verification on the platform: intermediate verification and Plus. In the first case, the client is required to provide a state-issued ID and undergo facial recognition. After that the user will be able to withdraw from the account on Binance fiat funds equivalent to 50 thousand dollars daily and cryptocurrencies equivalent to 2 BTC daily and any amount in P2P mode.
Verification Plus on Binance involves proof of residency address, which extends the ability to withdraw the equivalent of $200k in fiat funds daily. It is possible to pass the verification Plus only after passing the intermediate verification of documents. Clicking on the “Start” button, the client will activate the service, in which it is necessary to confirm the citizenship, name and date of birth. The date of birth line is poorly made, entering numbers into the line is not correct, so you only need to enter it through the calendar above the line.
On the next page you enter the data of the place of residence, after that the client goes to the service of uploading documents, where you have to confirm the country of residence again. This is an important point, as the supporting documents may be different for different countries. For Russia, only the passport and driver’s license are suitable. Once you have selected the document, you need to click “Continue” and go to the passport photo service. The “Make photo” button is located under the requirements for the photo: it must be unedited, full-size, color. After taking the photo and making sure it meets the requirements, you need to click “Continue”.
The next step is to take selfies. The facial expression must be “natural,” placed in the center of the frame, eyes open. Screenshots are not accepted. If the selfies are not suitable at all, when you click on “Continue” the system informs you of this and returns you to the original document selection point. If the selfies are satisfactory, the data goes to verification, which can take up to 10 days, but is usually faster.
If you don’t have a webcam on your computer, you’ll have to download Binance’s mobile app. When the mobile version is added, you need to click on the icon “My device doesn’t have a camera” in your browser account, in the form of downloading documents. After that, a QR code will be generated in the account. You need to scan it, and then the process of taking photos will be automatically transferred to your smartphone.
When the person identification is complete, you will need to click the confirmation button in the app, and in the browser version, confirm that you have completed the visual verification in the mobile app. If done correctly, Binance will report that the documents have been accepted for verification. When working in the mobile app only, the verification process is identical to the browser version.
For the extended verification in Plus format, the client will be required, in addition to the verified intermediate verification, to provide documents confirming the client’s residential address at the place of account registration, such as a utility bill or bank statement. A screenshot of the document is uploaded on the website or mobile app on the “Verification Center” page and sent for verification. The application processing time is up to 10 days.
Checking the organization
In order to verify company data, the account must have been originally registered by that organization. It is not possible to request verification as for a corporate account from a personal account. It is also not possible to use an email that is linked to a personal account on Binance. The company is only allowed to register one corporate account. It is very important not to make a mistake when designating the country of registration and type of organization. The package of documents varies significantly depending on the jurisdiction and the format of the company.
If this information is inaccurate, the verification process will have to be done from the beginning. It will also be necessary to register and verify from scratch if the jurisdiction and form of the organization changes. Confirmation of corporate documents on Binance is more complicated process than verification of individual data, it has a lot of nuances, so you should carefully study the information on the cryptocurrency.