Bitpapa Training

Cryptocurrency exchange Bitpapa does not offer trader training in the same format as on other exchanges. But if you know what to pay attention to before trading, you can figure out the functions on your own exchanges and develop a profitable strategy on how to make money on the site So, let’s look at what points you need to pay attention to before trading on Bitpapa.

Available assets

There are three cryptocurrencies available on the platform – BTC, ETH and USDT. Before trading, you should make an analysis of the prices of these assets on other cryptocurrency exchanges, so that you know which deal will be profitable for you and which you should not accept. Regularly monitor all information about these cryptocurrencies so that you know when it is profitable to buy and when it is profitable to sell. If you are new to crypto trading, read this article. It describes traders’ recommendations on where and how to gather information about crypto-assets and how to use it.

Features of trade

Bitpapa cryptocurrency exchange differs significantly from the usual crypto exchanges for traders. There is no trading terminal, and all transactions are made between users – this is called p2p-trading. That’s why you won’t find a market depth, signals, trading tools and other attributes of a cryptocurrency exchange. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make money. Trading between users can be profitable, because often private buyers and sellers offer a higher price than centralized exchanges.

Before trading, it is recommended for beginners to learn about all possible methods and strategies of trading in cryptocurrencies. Only knowledge will help you not to make the wrong choice and not to lose your deposit on the first day of trading. Learning cryptocurrency trading you can take on your own, or you can buy a professional course from famous traders. You can also get training at some cryptocurrency exchanges, which produce video and text instructions for their clients.

Service instructions

Bitpapa cryptocurrency exchange has a section that helps newbies get used to the service and understand the rules of trading. This section is called “How to become a Bitpapa trader”. Useful tips on how to trade effectively on the site and avoid being cheated by other users are published here. Also in this section, read a brief instruction on how to start trading on the platform.


“Questions and answers” is a necessary section on any crypto exchange, which helps new users to learn not only the rules of trading, but also about the features of the functionality, availability of additional services and commissions of the service. There is an informative FAQ page at, where you can learn about the intricacies of working at the service. It contains answers to the most frequently asked questions from users. By reading the answers on this page you will get a full picture of the exchange. Legal information about the company is also published here.

It is also recommended to read articles on other thematic pages before you start working on the service, for example, on the page “How to earn bitcoins” you will learn about the service’s referral program. You will find interesting articles about cryptocurrencies and trading on the website’s blog. You will also be able to communicate with other users and discuss important issues on the Community page, as well as get help from our support team. Stay with us and read articles on “How to trade on Bitpapa”, “How to register on cryptocurrency exchange”, “How to deposit your account”, “How to withdraw money” etc.

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