Trading on the ProBit crypto exchange
ProBit Offers trading on the website platform To buy and sell cryptocurrencyYou need to register an account and deposit the account in the currency that will be used for transactions.
Trade terminal
After making a deposit and crediting it to the balance, you should go to the “Exchange” section. The service will redirect the user to the trading terminal. Before executing the first transaction, you should study the interface of the platform. All markets and trading pairs are displayed on the left. In the center is a price chart for the selected currency pair. On the right there is an order book, information about the volume of trades, forms for creating buy and sell orders.
How do I make a deal?
Before you create an order for crypto exchange ProBit, you have to select a trading pair. You can find the currency of interest in the list of all assets or enter its name in the search bar. After the choice the price chart of the trading pair will appear. Limit will be automatically selected in the order execution section. A drop-down menu with the name of the selected order type is available next to the line with the balance.
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You can enter the amount yourself or select it from the order book to have it automatically added to the order as a limit value. There is also an option to select a percentage to automatically use in the transaction, such as 25, 50, 75, or 100%. After the transaction is processed, the order information will appear at the bottom left. The order will also appear on the “Open orders” page. After its execution, its data will be transferred to the “Orders History” section.
Limit order and its types
Limit orders can be placed on ProBit. These are trades based on prices set by the user. The order uses the maximum and minimum value of the asset. The transaction cannot be executed at a specified or better price. Other conditions can be added to such an order to help the trader achieve his goals. When placing a limit order, the user can select its type. To do this, it is necessary to click on the “GTC” button, which will open a list of these types:
- GTC – executed at a specified price without regard to the time it took to achieve it.
- GTCPO – held only when it can be executed immediately.
- IOC – an order that is executed in whole or in part instantly and cancels an unexecuted balance.
- FOK – a trade at ProBit is executed immediately in full or not at all.
Buying currency with a quote
There are times when a user wants to buy or sell an asset but does not have the balance in the currency that is available in one of the trading pairs. In that case, it is possible to sell an altcoin for another asset using a currency quote. To do this, you need to find a coin that both tokens share. The next step is to sell the altcoin in that currency and buy the other token in the same currency. For example, for ECOIN and BTC no common pair, but both are traded with USDT. This means that you can sell one currency for USDT and buy a second one for it.
Quick Buy
To allow users to quickly buy the desired cryptocurrency, there is a special section. There is a form where you have to choose a fiat currency to buy digital assets from a bank card. There are more than 40 currencies to choose from. In the other line, you need to specify the cryptocurrency to be bought. In the field with the amount will be specified the minimum and maximum purchase limits. The rate and the total amount will be calculated automatically.
Any ProBit trader can join one of IEO (Initial Exchange Offer) projects. To do this, go to the section with the list of all projects and find the one you are interested in. The list of currencies will be displayed next to each name with bonuses. A calculator is also available, which helps to see detailed data, including the amount of tokens and the total purchase price. To participate in IEO, you will need to select the currency to purchase and transfer the funds. The balance of the IEO will be displayed on the page after the transaction is completed.