How to register at Deribit Crypto Exchange?
To trade on the platform Deribit you need to create an account, register a new account. The desired language is selected on the start page of the site, at the top right. In the same part of the page below is the login service. To start the registration process, you need to click on the “No account” function and go to the service.
Here you first need to choose a country, then enter your email address and name, generate a password and check the box before “I accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy” – of course, before that you should read them and make sure you fully understand the “Terms of Service and Privacy Policy”. It should be noted that some sources on the Internet still argue that on Deribit you can specify only a pseudonym, because the exchange is anonymous. Indeed, you can specify a pseudonym, but the exchange is no longer anonymous, KYC check will have to pass.
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An account activation link will be sent to the specified e-mail address. If everything is correct, the account is considered created. The email address will receive a notification of this. After registration, the user receives the status “Unverified”, after the successful first login an email will come with an email about successful authentication. And also the new client will receive an email with basic information about the exchange and the first steps of the trader. In the letter one should pay attention to the offer to use the test network (this is actually a demo mode) and one should not ignore it, there is a direct link to this service in the text. But in order to practice in the demo mode, you will need to pass a background check. There is a direct link to the verification service. By the way, you can go there to register a corporate account.
Also important in this letter is the warning that Deribit administrators do not send personal messages to users. Therefore, any gratuitous message from an administrator is fraudulent.
Account Options
After registering and confirming your account (before verification), you can upgrade your security level via 2FA or YubiKey. This feature is activated on the “My Account” page.
Under Account Settings, you can change your username and password. This is also where the “Access Log” is located and where you can make adjustments to your email settings, including language and notification features. In “Security Settings” in this section you can fix the IP and duration of the secure session. “Interface Settings” allows you to change some parameters of the “Confirmation Dialogs” when placing orders, “Notifications” and “TradingView Graphics”.
“Subaccounts” is a subsection where you can add an additional account, which will be under the newly registered account, which by default is considered the main account. The next subsections are “Transaction Log” and “Statistics and Reports”. The log is activated when the client begins to make trade transactions, which can be viewed by date. Statistics will be filled in as trades are executed: by the volume of derivative transactions for certain periods and reports for each month, which will be available for download. The “Affiliate Program” is the section where you can activate the affiliate program. You should read the “Terms and Conditions” beforehand, because you will have to agree with them when you start the program. And in the “API” you can download or generate API keys and specify their parameters.
Mobile application
The browser version of Deribit also opens when you access the Internet via cell phone, the order of registration in it is the same. You can also download the mobile application. Links to it are at the bottom of the site, downloading from Google Play and App Store is available. After downloading and installing the application the registration procedure also does not differ from the browser version, except that you can set a four-digit pin code to enter.
Login problems
It should be noted that immediately after registration and its confirmation through a link in the letter an attempt to enter the account may fail: it is reported that the address and password are wrong or there is no account. You should try two or three more times. If the attempts are unsuccessful, you should try to change the password, even if the customer is sure that he specified it correctly. The “Forgot password” button is located under the login service. By clicking on it, you need to enter your account registration email address and send yourself instructions to change the password.
The email contains a link to go to the password change page. Sometimes this link is not active, you need to copy it, paste it into the search box and activate it by clicking. After changing the password, you will receive an email notifying you of this again. If you still have trouble logging in, you should contact support via email or social networks (list at the bottom of the home page).