
Total reviews 1
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Autocrypto-Bot has a very simple and clear interface. It provides everything you need for successful trading on a cryptocurrency exchange.
Cryptocurrency Robot
Official website
Date of foundation
Types of support
Feedback form on the siteHelp Center
Russian, English, Polish
Minimum deposit limit
From 250 USD
Exchange Commission
Free demo account
Methods of replenishment
Qiwi, Webmoney, VLOAD, Perfect Money, Cryptocurrencies, Wire transfer
Withdrawal methods
Wire transfer, Webmoney, Cryptocurrencies
Mobile apps
No mobile apps available
Trader training
A way to store cryptocurrencies
Cold: no
Hot: yes
Fiat accounts
Possibility to exchange for fiat currencies
Margin trading
Advanced AML verification
Basic verification
Stop loss and take profit function
Affiliate Program
Automated Trading
Simple and intuitive interface
You can define the parameters of the robot and select its mode of operation
Saving time and effort
The program is completely legal
Working with the bot is possible from almost anywhere in the world
There is a mobile version of the program
The robot works only with certain brokers
Overall assessment
Date of update
November 13, 2024

    Is AutoCrypto-Bot a Scam? Complete Review and Real Customer Feedback

    Published: 25 April 2018 Updated: 13 November 2024

    With the development of the blockchain technology more and more traders pay attention to a revolutionary new type of digital assets – cryptocurrencies. The given financial instrument is supported not by gold and GDP, as it should be in the traditional sense, but by the demand of investors and also by its own limit. Crypto assets are not subject to the influence of banks and states, and they also allow transactions to be carried out completely safely and anonymously. In this regard, the demand for tokens of different systems only increases, and hence the value keeps growing. However, as with fiat money, the level of profitability of crypto trading largely depends on the professionalism of the trader and his ability to process a large amount of information, analyze the situation on the market and identify the factors of influence.


    A special crypto robot created for the purpose of conducting substantial monitoring of major indicators and building an effective crypto trading strategy is able to provide significant assistance in solving such problems. Autocrypto-Bot is a typical example of such advanced solutions. Any interested trader can work with it.


    How to start using this crypto robot

    To work with Autocrypto-Bot, you need to create a personal cabinet. This can be done in a few minutes on the official website of the robot.


    Creating a personal account in Autocrypto-Bot requires filling out a simple form. In the special section called «Open an account» you need to specify the following information about yourself.

    1. Your first name.

    2. Your surname.

    3. Your valid email.

    4. The password that will be used to log on to the system.

    5. Your mobile phone number.

    The last point is required to reset the password and restore it, if for some reason it has been lost. The specified email along with the password will be used to log in to your personal account.

    AutoCrypto-Bot Review

    Choosing a broker

    Autocrypto-Bot cooperates with a large number of intermediaries. For each country, such a list is built individually. Unfortunately, a trader can’t choose a broker when registering or logging independently. A crypto robot does it for him or her.

    When working with Autocrypto-Bot, it’s worth considering the fact that even if a trader has an account with an intermediary, the program will still create a new personal cabinet. Here it’s possible to synchronize the personal cabinets of the robot and the broker only for those accounts that were created by the bot itself.

    The choice of the crypto robot operation mode

    In the personal account, the trader can set a scheme according to which he wants to use Autocrypto-Bot.

    In general, there’re two schemes to choose from:

    1. The adviser’s mode.

    2. Auto trading.

    Each of the ways has its advantages and downsides. Expert Advisor is a default mode. It means that in the real account of the trader prompts will show up that Autocrypto-Bot generates based on its analysis of key factors. Go to the settings to set the required parameters of the prompts.

    Automatic trading allows traders to save time and energy by entrusting all the routine manipulations with transactions to a crypto robot. Before you start using this mode, you require making a number of necessary settings.

    The choice of modes is carried out in the personal cabinet. To turn off Expert Advisor mode, you should switch the button with the name “Auto Trading” to the off position.

    AutoCrypto-Bot Review. The choice of the crypto robot operation mode

    The advantage of automatic trading is obvious. However, in order to make it effective, it’s necessary to correctly and precisely adjust the key parameters of analysis as well as completion of transactions. The adviser’s mode doesn’t save the trader from the need to make decisions independently, but the robot can eliminate the need for regular complex analysis of the market. Meanwhile, the trader can study data from other sources. By simply combining the robot, your experience, knowledge you can achieve very good results in trading.

    Other options of the personal cabinet

    In addition, in his account the trader can choose the scheme of work and make all the necessary settings. Here the trader can also replenish the account and withdraw the earned funds. Also, the personal cabinet of Autocrypto-Bot enables you to track changes in the quotations of a particular cryptocurrency and view the statistics of your trades.

    In the personal cabinet all the information necessary for work is available:

    • Information about the broker with which the synchronization was conducted;
    • The status of the trading account;
    • Data on current and recent transactions.

    Another option available from the account is an ability to contact the crypto robot support team.

    AutoCrypto-Bot Review. Other options of the personal cabinet


    The used trading schemes

    Before you go to the Autocrypto-Bot settings, you should carefully get acquainted with the tools on the basis of which the work will be built.

    For automatic trading, this crypto robot offers using the following schemes.

    1. Classical. It’s recommended for newcomers and those whose deposit can be called modest. When choosing a classic robot system, each transaction will begin with a minimum bet, regardless of the results of the previous one.

    2. Fibonacci. That’s the most loyal approach to the bidding scheme. It appears to be an optimal solution amid the schemes presented. The principle of the Fibonacci system is that when making two inefficient transactions, the robot will increase the bid. After the sale or purchase shows the desired level of profitability, the system will return to the minimum bid.

    3. Martingale. It’s a very risky scheme, but with a proper approach it can show high efficiency. Its principle is that after each loss, Autocrypto-Bot will double the bit. Only after getting the necessary signs, allowing to consider the operation as effective, the robot will return to the minimum bid. Martingale is recommended for traders with a large deposit.

    In this mode, the robot mostly uses the indications of the following indicators:

    1. The trend. Changes in the price in various time frames are monitored and a long-term trend is explored.

    2. The RSI. It’s also known as the relative strength index. It’s an oscillator that shows the moments in which an asset can be overbought or resold based on the analysis of price shifts. So, the indicator tracks when the price becomes unusually low or on the contrary – unusually high.

    3. The MACD. The given abbreviation points to the analysis of convergence and divergence of moving averages. Due to the signal line of the indicator, it’s quite real to detect an earlier change of the trend.

    4. The STOCH or stochastic oscillator. This indicator puts the value of the asset in a certain corridor beyond which it will never exit. The discrepancy is the most significant signal of this oscillator. It shows that the price went up, and the indicator – went down, and vice versa.

    5. The WILLIAMS. It’s a simple and effective oscillator to analyze the rate of change in the value of an asset. This indicator shows the closing price level in relation to the range of maximum and minimum values in a certain period.

    6. The CCI. This oscillator lets you know when assets can be rebought or resold. Peaks and slumps in prices that this indicator demonstrates appear to be signals of the end of the trend and changes in its vector.

    Depending on the trading scheme employed, the trader can use different indicators for Autocrypto-Bot.


    The robot settings

    The efficiency of Autocrypto-Bot depends on how accurately and correctly the parameters are set. In the advisor and auto trading mode, the developers have already set some recommended indicators, which will help to make quite secure transactions. Such settings are recommended for newcomers, although an experienced trader can change them as he wishes in the personal account.

    AutoCrypto-Bot Review. The robot settings

    The trader can change the values of the following parameters:

    1. Leverage (Stop loss). It’s not always possible for traders to open a deal on the funds of their deposit. In some cases, the broker may add the necessary amount. The parameter stop loss indicates the limit of the amount at which the trader will consider the possibility of trading on credit.
    2. The percentage of profit (Take Profit). This parameter makes it possible to specify at what ratio of the percentage of asset growth the transaction will be considered successful.
    3. The amount of the bid.
    4. The selection of the trading system. Here it’s necessary to give preference to the classical scheme, Fibonacci or Martingale.
    5. The setting of permissible investments in the transaction. If the price goes in the opposite direction from the expected, the trader will start losing his assets. Such costs should have a limit, which is set by this criterion.
    6. The maximum number of open transactions. The valid range is from 2 to 8.
    7. The used signals. In accordance with this parameter, the robot will look for short-term, medium-term or long-term signals on a live chart to take them into consideration.
    8. The selection of indicators used. It includes such things as the RSI, MACD, CCI and others.
    9. The selection of currency pairs. Autocrypto-Bot enables you to make transactions with various digital currencies.  The most popular are Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, ETC, ETH.

    It should be taken into account that the final choice of available crypto assets depends on the capabilities of a particular broker.



    Autocrypto-Bot (go to the website) has a very simple and intuitive interface. It provides everything required for successful trading on a crypto exchange (are cryptocurrencies a scam?). At the same time, the interface is not overloaded with anything superfluous.

    The trader can independently determine what parameters the crypto robot should take as a basis in its work, and also choose the mode of its functioning. To achieve good performance, it’s important to pay great attention to the correct choice of the operating principles. Even the most advanced robot can’t predict which trading scheme will be effective in a certain period of time, taking into account all economic, political and other nuances that change very quickly.



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