WhiteBIT: commissions at the crypto exchange
Exchange WhiteBIT (go online) charges different types of fees depending on the services traders use.
For trading
Standard fees crypto exchanges for trading operations – 0.1%. They may differ for individual currency pairs, but do not exceed 0.1%. For the use of funds on margin security 0.098% is paid per day.
For the deposit
Most cryptocurrencies do not charge for deposits. But there are some coins, for the deposit of which you will have to pay. There is information about it in a special section on the website of Cryptoexchange. Amounts for deposit in fiat currency (UAH, USD and EUR) depend on selected payment system:
- AdvCash – 1.5% (from 0.15 EUR or USD, 0.75 UAH to 150 EUR or USD, 750 UAH).
- NixMoney – 1%, from 0,1 to 100 EUR or USD.
- Account GeoPay (only in $) – 5 ₴ + 0.8% (from 0.4 to 800 UAH).
- Visa/Mastercard (only for $) – 0.7%, but not less than 0.35 and not more than 206.5 UAH.
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1000 USDT
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Fee for withdrawal to bank card
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For the conclusion
Cryptocurrency withdrawal transactions are subject to a fee, which is different for different assets. The list is available on the website of WhiteBIT crypto exchange in the section of the same name. Traders also pay for withdrawal of fiat currency. In this case, the amount depends on the payment system:
- AdvCash – 1.5% for € or $ (0.15 to 150) and 4.5% for UAH (minimum – 2.25, maximum – 2,250 ₴).
- NixMoney – 1%, from 0,1 to 100 € or $.
- Account GeoPay and Visa/Mastercard (in ₴) – 0.7% (min – 0.35, max – 700).