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Courses at Udemy Online School

Udemy – an online school that offers online courses from experts around the world. More than 180,000 programs are available, divided into 11 categories. Information about them is published on the platform’s website udemy.com. New offerings appear every month. Additionally, anyone who has experience and knowledge on a particular topic can record their own course and post it on the Udemy platform.

To find a program you are interested in, you can enter the topic name in the search bar or open a list of courses in one of the categories. The home page of the site has lists of programs that are popular and viewed by other users. Registered students can explore additional selections. After logging in to the Udemy site, a user can see a list of interesting courses selected based on the training completed. It also offers the best programs from different categories and those most often chosen by other students.

By opening one of the categories, you can sort the list of offers by popularity, rating, and novelty. Filters are also available by such parameters:

  • Rating: average score on a 5-point system.
  • Video duration: from 1 to 17+ hours.
  • Topic (depends on category).
  • Level: beginner, intermediate, professional.
  • Language.
  • Price: paid and free.
  • Features: subtitles.

Software and Web Development

The category contains courses that are related to the development of applications and games, various services, and data analysis. You can take courses and learn one of the programming languages. Several topics are available:

  • Web development: Linux, React+Redux, JavaScript+React, full web development courses from scratch, JavaScript+Vue, HTML+CSS, WordPress layout, React.jc+PHP, Node JS, etc.
  • Data Processing and Analysis: AI+Machine Learning, Data Science and Machine Learning, Machine Learning in Python, Python site parsing, SQL, Data Analysis in SPSS, etc.
  • Mobile app development: Android, iOS, Flutter, JavaScript, ShoppingList, React Native+Hooks, ARKit, Kotlin for Android, etc.
  • Programming languages: Java, Python, Dart, C#, JavaScript, Angular, SQL+PostgreSQL, .NET, Spring, Golang, etc.
  • Game development: Unreal Engine, creating a 2D platformer on Unity, C# Unity Game, Unity, game industry development, how to find a job in the industry, design, 2D and 3D game development, ROBLOX, mobile games.
  • Database design and development: SQL, T-SQL, 1C Enterprise, MongoDB Python, Microsoft Access, MySQL, Apache Kafka, etc.
  • Software testing: Java, Selenium, Postman, REST Assured, API testing, quality assurance, etc.
  • Software engineering: data structures, Python, C#, algorithms, design patterns, microservices, blockchain, software architecture, Microsoft Azure, Spring Boot, Agile, DevOps, Arduino, Git, C++, etc.
  • Software development tools: Docket, GitHub, Kubernetes, JIRA, Jenkins, Internet of Things, Apache Maven, Vim text editor, Terraform, etc.
  • Development without code: WordPress, Wix, Elementor, web design, Bubble visual programming environment, app creation, Adalo, Weebly, automation, Google AppSheet, blogging, etc.


Udemy direction, which introduces users to the conduct and development of business. Students can learn the intricacies of work, communication with partners and employees, management, and company management. The category includes several topics:

  • Entrepreneurship: startup, freelancing, online business, basics, development, planning, strategies, course creation, Internet marketing, WordPress, coaching, business models, investor suggestions, etc.
  • Interaction: communication and presentation skills, text preparation, business communication and writing, speeches, service area, correspondence etiquette, meetings, book writing, persuasion, conflict management, videoconferencing, etc.
  • Management: leadership, ISO 9001, management skills, management training, quality and project management, PMP, problem-solving, time management, decision-making, etc.
  • Sales: B2B, sales management, sales funnel, negotiation, strategies, email marketing, lead generation, multi-channel sales, cold letters, copywriting, internet marketing, etc.
  • Business strategies: planning, business fundamentals and development, innovation, digital transformation, management consulting, strategic thinking, passive income, product management, etc.
  • Operations: supply chain, logistics, quality management, purchasing, health and safety, process automation, outsourcing, problem-solving, etc.
  • Project management: PMP, Scrum, project planning, PMI-ACP, Oracle Primavera, PgMP, EVM, PSM, event planning, etc.
  • Commercial Law: GDRP, contract law, intellectual property, insurance, labor law, startup, patents, tax calculation, contract management, compliance management, etc.
  • Business analysis and data processing: Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Excel, SQL, SPSS, SAS, statistics, Alteryx, MySQL, etc.
  • Personnel: recruiting, performance management, job search, HR analytics, personnel motivation, resume writing, career development, PHR, pedagogical design, etc.
  • Industry: solar energy, electrical engineering, life coaching, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, energy management, Aspen Plus, farming, etc.
  • E-commerce: direct deliveries, Shopify, sales on Amazon and eBay, WooCommerce, home business, supplies AliExpress, PrestaShop, etc.
  • Media: creation of podcasts, samizdat, book writing, screenwriting, blogging, writing texts, video editing, promotion on social networks, etc.
  • Real estate: marketing, investing, renting for Airbnb. The following are some of the most important areas of the business: mortgage, personal finance, home banking, valuation of construction projects, financial modeling, notarial business, etc.

Finance and Accounting

The category has offerings related to financial accounting, record keeping, economics, and cryptocurrencies. There are 11 Udemy course topics available:

  • Accounting and reporting: financial planning and analysis, QuickBooks, IFRS, internal audit, basic finance, Xero, tax calculation, payroll accounting, cash flow, ERP, bank reconciliation, etc.
  • Adherence to principles: risk management, COSO, banking, FRAUD analysis, commercial law, etc.
  • Cryptocurrencies and blockchain: crypto exchanges, NFT, technical analysis, investing, ICO, algorithmic trading, DApp, etc.
  • Economics: econometrics, math, finance basics, stock trading, engineering, college admissions, debt management, etc.
  • Finance: management, organization finance, analysis and planning, personal finance, business budgeting, reporting, cash flow, financial technology and modeling.
  • Preparing for exams and certifications in finance: CFA, CMA, CIA, ACCA, ANBIMA, CAMS, capital markets, management accounting, auditing, insurance, etc.
  • Financial modeling and analysis: company valuation, Excel modeling, credit analysis, DCF, investment banking, etc.
  • Investing and trading.
  • Cash management tools: QuickBooks, Excel, financial planning, Xero, SAP FICO, financial analysis and management, Microsoft Dynamics 365, etc.
  • Taxes.

IT and Software

In the IT area, students can explore topics related to different operating systems, network security and hardware. More than 10,000 Udemy programs are offered:

  • IT certification: Microsoft, AWS, Oracle, PSM, Python, CompTIA A+, ITIL 4 Foundation, Microsoft Azure, Citrix, Google Cloud, etc.
  • Network and security: cybersecurity, Cisco, IT network basics, Wireshark, cryptography, Bug Bounty, firewall, etc.
  • Hardware: Arduino, PLC, computer hardware, robotics, PCB design, PC and phone repair, STM32, Verilog HDL, ESP32, computer assembly, etc.
  • Operating systems and servers: Linux, Windows, PowerShell, macOS, virtualization, CentOS, VirtualBox, Docker, etc.

Office Software

The category contains courses that allow you to master Microsoft, Apple, Google, SAP, and Oracle topics.

Personal Growth

In this direction, experts offer topics related to personal development and growth. Having studied them, students know how to set goals and achieve them, organize remote work and manage their time, accept and love themselves. There are also programs related to parenting and family relationships, happiness, and influencing others. The category includes courses covering issues such as:

  • Personal changes: goal-setting, personal growth, awareness, etc.
  • Personal productivity: time management, remote work, organization, concentration, etc.
  • Leadership: communication, speeches, growth, team building, etc.
  • Career development: job search, interview preparation, resume writing, business communication, etc.
  • Parenting and relationships: child psychology, family relationships and counseling.
  • Happiness: life coaching, positive thinking, CBT, the law of attraction.
  • Esoteric practices: reiki, tarot, energy treatment, hypnotherapy, etc.
  • Religion and spirituality.
  • Creating your own brand.
  • Creativity: art therapy, book writing, screenwriting, magic tricks, drawing, etc.
  • Influence: communication, negotiation, speeches, persuasion, body language, etc.
  • Self-esteem and confidence: anxiety, self-acceptance, dance and fashion, communication, self-awareness, etc.
  • Stress management: stress resistance, emotional intelligence, anger management, anxiety, meditation, etc.
  • Study and memory skills: speed reading, learning strategies, concentration, visualization, etc.
  • Motivation: goals, habits, procrastination, neuroplasticity.


The Udemy category covers all kinds of design, from web and graphics to fashion and interior design. It offers courses on nine topics:

  • Web design: CSS, WordPress, mobile application design, UI, Photoshop, Figma, etc.
  • Graphic design and illustration: Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Canva, digital painting, etc.
  • Design tools: After Effects, Procreate, Adobe Premiere, AutoCAD, SOLIDWORKS, Affinity Designer, Rhino 3D, video editing, etc.
  • User interface design: Adobe XD, Figma, design thinking, gamification, product and mobile app design, usability testing, etc.
  • Game design: Unreal Engine, Unity, pixel art, visual effects, etc.
  • 3D and animation: Blender, After Effects, zBrush, 3D modeling, Maya, Fusion 360, etc.
  • Fashion design: fashion, sewing, jewelry making, Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, textiles, etc.
  • Architectural design: AutoCAD, Revit, Blender, SketchUp, LEED, ARCHICAD, drafting, landscape architecture, etc.
  • Interior design: color theory, lighting, electrical engineering, SketchUp, feng shui, minimalism, etc.


A voluminous direction, offering to master one of the types of marketing. They will be of interest to those who are engaged in promotion on social networks and the Internet, advertising, analytics, content marketing, etc. The courses are divided into 13 topics:

  • Internet marketing: social networks, strategies, copywriting, Google Analytics, YouTube promotion, etc.
  • Search Engine Optimization: SEO, WordPress, keyword analysis, site search audit, Google Search Console, Etsy, etc.
  • Marketing in social networks: promotion and advertising, strategies, personal branding, etc.
  • Corporate identity: branding, marketing strategies, etc.
  • Marketing basics: planning and analysis, psychology of marketing, copywriting, business coaching, etc.
  • Marketing analytics and automation: Google Analytics, Data Analytics, Tag Manager, SQL, Marketo, HubSpot, etc.
  • Public relations: business communication, podcast creation, text production, startup, etc.
  • Paid advertising: Google, Facebook, PPC, Mailchimp, Internet marketing, etc.
  • Video and mobile marketing: YouTube promotion, video editing, PowerPoint, app promotion, etc.
  • Content marketing: content writing, blogging, business writing, creating online courses, etc.
  • Hacking demand growth: internet marketing, passive income, SEO, website traffic, lead generation, etc.
  • Affiliate marketing: SEO, CPA, AdSense, etc.
  • Product marketing: planning, product management, SaaS, B2B sales, etc.


Udemy category, which has many courses related to different hobbies and other activities. Students can learn to draw, use cosmetics, cook, and train animals. There are courses to learn different games and programs to help with home and garden improvement. Available offerings include:

  • Arts and crafts: drawing, watercolor painting, pencil drawing, Procreate, soap making, sewing, etc.
  • Beauty and cosmetics: make-up, manicures, skincare, hair styling, make-up, etc.
  • Food and drink: cooking, baking, coffee, winemaking, bar making, etc.
  • Games: chess, poker, cybersports, tricks, blackjack, game development, etc.
  • Home improvement and gardening: electricity, electrical work, gardening, farming, home repairs, beekeeping, etc.
  • Training and maintenance of pets.
  • Travel: travel tips, Airbnb rentals, digital nomads, sailing, iMovie, photography, working abroad, etc.

Photo and Video

This section contains all the training programs for photography and video editing. Beginners and professionals can learn these topics:

  • Digital photography: digital camera functions, mobile photography, Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, Affinity Photo, etc.
  • Photo.
  • Portrait photography: posing, retouching, lighting, family photos, etc.
  • Photo tools: editing, camera functions, aerial photography, programs, etc.
  • Commercial photography: real estate, architecture, product photography, wedding photography, etc.
  • Video design: film and video production, Adobe Premiere, DaVinci Resolve, color correction, editing, cinematography, etc.

Health & Fitness

Udemy’s direction includes many courses that are related to health and beauty:

  • Fitness: Pilates, home training, teacher training, gaining muscle mass, etc.
  • Health: herbal medicine, massage, aromatherapy, holistic medicine, breathing techniques, etc.
  • Sports: sports psychology, coaching, soccer, tennis, swimming, massage, etc.
  • Nutrition and diet: weight loss, wellness coaching, menu planning, etc.
  • Yoga.
  • Mental health: CBT, art therapy, counseling, ADHD, REPT, etc.
  • Martial arts and self-defense: Krav Maga, self-defense, tai chi, boxing, kung fu, etc.
  • Safety and First Aid.
  • Dancing.
  • Meditation: mindfulness, breathing techniques, qigong, etc.


A category with programs for music lessons and business development in this area:

  • Tools.
  • Music production: Logic Pro, Ableton Live, FL Studio, music mixing, sound engineering, etc.
  • Fundamentals of music: theory, songwriting, composition, electronic music, musical literacy, etc.
  • Vocal: singing, voice production, voiceover, etc.
  • Skills development: fingerstyle, instruments, musical literacy, etc.
  • Music Software.

Academic Fields and Disciplines

The program offers programs related to various sciences and foreign languages. Nine topics are available:

  • Engineering: electrical engineering, construction, solar energy, robotics, etc.
  • Humanities: bible, philosophy, art, critical thinking, history, literature, etc.
  • Mathematics: analysis, statistics, algebra, probability, etc.
  • Science: physics, chemistry, biology, etc.
  • Online education: creating courses, teaching, passive income, marketing, etc.
  • Social sciences: psychology, criminology, economics, writing research papers, etc.
  • Foreign Languages.
  • Teacher training: preparation, design, coaching, voice-over, etc.
  • Preparing for exams: foreign languages, mathematics, accounting, etc.
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