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The Price of Education at Udemy

Udemy – is an online education platform with over 180,000 courses in various fields. After paying for the chosen program, a student receives lifetime access to the materials of the online school. Lessons are delivered through text, video lectures, quizzes, practical assignments, and downloadable resources. You can learn from your PC or mobile device on the service site or from any gadget through the app available on Android and iOS.

The price of Udemy courses varies based on the instructor, topic, course length, and included materials. Registered users can benefit from special discounts, with many courses starting as low as $12.99 for new students. Both full and discounted prices are clearly listed on udemy.com within each category’s course listings.

Software and Web Development

Udemy offers more than 10,000 programs on several topics. The minimum price is $19.99. The maximum students can pay is $89.99. The most popular courses in the category:

  • Selenium WebDriver + Java for $29.99. Learning to automate testing of web projects from scratch.
  • Software Testing for Beginners for $19.99.
  • How to make money testing software (remotely) – $19.99.
  • Advanced Java for $34.99. Collections, multithreading, regular expressions.
  • Java for Beginners for $89.99. Fundamentals, object-oriented programming, classes, inheritance.


The programs in this section are priced between $19.99 and $149.99. Students most often choose these Udemy classes:

  • Beginning SQL course (practice) for $19,99. Queries, errors, using SQL to analyze data.
  • Analytics and Data Science for $84.99. Hypothesis construction, statistical analysis methods, hidden patterns in data.
  • Transformational Change Project Management for $69.99.
  • Fundamentals of Management for New Managers for $19.99.
  • Organizational Design for $39.99.

Finance and Accounting

There are more than 8,000 offers to choose from, with prices ranging from $19.99 to $89.99. Popular programs are:

  • Cryptocurrencies for Beginners – $69.99. Creating a cryptocurrency portfolio, chart analysis, and blockchain.
  • Investing in stocks for $19.99. Making an investment portfolio, and stock selection.
  • Course on crypto-trading (working strategies) – $84.99. Review of strategies, methods, and indicators.
  • Crypto Master Trade. Technical analysis from scratch ($84.99).
  • Fundamentals of Trading in Financial Markets – $19.99.

IT and Software

Over 10,000 directional programs are divided into 4 themes. Their price is $19.99-$99.99. Users can see a list of the most popular courses on the Udemy website:

  • Learning Linux and the command line – $99.99. Functions of the bash interpreter, basic commands.
  • Ethical hacking with Metasploit for $19.99. Stages of system hacking, testing protection of different operating systems.
  • AWS from scratch (Amazon Web Services) – $49.99. Preparing for AWS certification tasks, and automating deployment programs.
  • Ansible for $29.99. Features, Writing Playbooks for Configuration Automation, Ansible with AWS.
  • Full course Android + Java for $19.99. Java basics, Android SDK, creating layouts.

Office Software

There are more than 5,000 offers ranging in price from $19.99 to $129.99. The most common programs students take are:

  • Microsoft Excel (advanced user) – $84.99. Tools for processing large amounts of information, creating summary tables, and complex formulas.
  • Basic SQL Course – $24.99. Installation of programs required for work, basic data types, sampling, filtering, and aggregation.
  • Excel VBA (macro programming) – $84.99. Automation of complex tasks.
  • Advanced Excel: finding solutions and forecasting – $34.99. What-if modeling, selection of parameters for formulas, etc.
  • Excel Power Query and Pivot – $29.99. Power add-ons, importing data from external sources, transforming and converting information.

Personal Growth

The category offers more than 10,000 programs priced between $19.99 and $99.99. They are divided into 15 topics for easy retrieval. The Udemy site has a list of the most popular ones:

  • Emotional Intelligence for $99.99. Managing your emotions, finding the reason for a bad mood.
  • Jedi Techniques (Not Time Management) – $84.99. Building your methodology to increase your productivity.
  • Coaching Training: Introduction – $19.99.
  • Creativity for All – $44.99. How to Use the Design Thinking Method and Storytelling.
  • Coping with Laziness – $39.99. How to cope with laziness and procrastination.


There are 9 different topics uncovered in the direction, offering more than 10,000 courses. Their prices range from $19.99 to $189.99. There are several programs in the category that run most often:

  • UX from scratch: designing interfaces – $84.99. Creating interactive prototypes of websites and applications, interfaces.
  • Figma for web designers – $19.99. Tools, internal and external interface, frame.
  • 3D Sculpting and Retopology in Blender – $59.99. Basics of modeling, prediction, tools.
  • Creating a website in the Tilda constructor for $84.99. Design and mobile adaptation.
  • Adobe Illustrator: creating a vector illustration for $84.99.


An extensive area with 13 topics covered. The programs cost from 19.99 to 94.99 USD. Udemy’s list of the most popular programs includes the following:

  • Megacourse: Google Advertising, Facebook – $19.99.
  • Facebook and Instagram ads – 6 blocks for $29.99.
  • Online Marketing Strategy 2025 for $84.99. Increasing sales through online marketing, basic principles.
  • SMM Strategy 2025 for $84.99. Promotion in social networks, competitive analysis.
  • SEO-strategy 2025: website at the top of Google for $84.99. Promotion of the site in search engines, and analytics tools.


The category includes lessons on art, beauty and cosmetics, esoteric practices, games, home improvement and gardening, travel, and animal training. There are programs related to food and drink. More than 9,000 offerings are available, priced from 19.99 to $199.99. The most popular ones are:

  • Fundamentals of Graphics. From Beginner to Professional – $24.99. Selecting the right materials, stroke, light, halftone.
  • Yachting training for beginners – $49.99.
  • Makeup for beginners: a new level of performance – 24,99$.
  • The Magic of the Tarot – $84.99. Layouts, interpretation, search for solutions.
  • Basic Astrology Course for $84.99.

Photo and Video

There are more than 3,000 software programs related to video editing and photo taking. Their prices range from $19.99 to $119.99. Students prefer Udemy classes like these:

  • Photo course for beginners – $54.99.
  • Video editing in Adobe Premiere Pro + practical homework for the portfolio – $69.99.
  • Premiere Pro Practice Course for $54.99. Corporate Slideshow, Real Estate, Testimonial IGTV.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC – $29.99.
  • Composition in Photography – $99.99.

Health & Fitness

Courses in the category deal with health, sports, and nutrition. Experts offer more than 10,000 programs priced from $19.99 to $99.99. The most commonly purchased access is to the following:

  • Basic course on face building – $44,99. Exercises for a tightened face.
  • A Course in Practical Psychology from A to Z – $84.99. Theoretical foundations and practical questions about solving clients’ problems.
  • Stretching and stretching: flexibility for 5 workouts – $49.99.
  • Self-Defense: Lectures on Self-Defense – $94.99.
  • Home Massage for $84.99. How to help get rid of pain in the back neck, and legs, reduce headaches, relax the nervous system, remove feelings of brokenness, and improve sleep.


The platform hosts more than 5,000 programs that help you learn musical instruments and vocals and understand how to do business in that area. These programs range in price from $19.99 to $84.99. Udemy’s popular offerings:

  • Music Business Basics – $19.99. Music Project Management, Copyright Protection.
  • How to Learn the Piano Faster: Working Tips and Examples – $49.99.
  • Guitar Lessons for Beginners for $19.99.
  • Vocal Course for Beginners “Voice, Hearing, Rhythm” – $24.99.
  • How to start your record label for $19.99.

Academic Fields and Disciplines

More than 10,000 courses related to foreign languages and various sciences are available. Their price range is around 19.99-199.99$. Most often users give preference to such programs:

  • Practical German for Beginners in 64 Lessons – $34.99.
  • English for Beginners (32 lectures) – $84.99.
  • Basic English Grammar (course for A1-B2) – $34.99.
  • Classes with cards to develop the thinking of a “special” child – $19.99.
  • How to create your own online course from idea and editing to promotion and sales – $84.99.

Payment Methods

You can buy the course on the platform site as you would in an ordinary online store. On the page with the program description, there are “Add to cart” and “Buy now” buttons. In the first case, the offer can be added to the general shopping list and pay for several options later, exploring the different categories. In the second case, the service will redirect to a page with a payment form in which you need to select your country. Available methods are:

  • PayPal – the platform will transfer the user to the secure servers of the payment system;
  • Boleto Bancario and Pix. In addition to other payment methods, students in Brazil can buy Udemy courses with Boleto Bancario or Pix;
  • Credit/Debit Cards Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, and Discover – enter card number, name, and expiration date. You can purchase courses through the mobile app. Depending on your location, the iOS app offers purchases through the Apple App Store, and the Android app offers purchases through Google Play.

U.S. students can shop on Udemy using the “Buy Now, Pay Later” format. Cash payments and bank transfers may be available for students from some countries in Latin America, Europe, and Asia. To save information about credit card and not re-enter it the next time you make a purchase, follow these steps:

  • Go to the checkout page.
  • Enter the data in the “New payment card” section.
  • Select the “Remember this card” checkbox.
  • Click “Complete Payment”. The information will be saved to your account.

After payment, the student gets lifetime access to the materials in his or her personal Udemy account. The platform also offers credits which are credited to the user’s balance as a gift or upon activation promo code. They can be used to buy any courses and to pay for a gift to another student.

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