
Total reviews 8
1 complaint
Unconfirmed company
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One of the most promoted portals in Russia with an interesting, entertainment-rich functionality for quick dating.
Official website
Social network
Company owner
CJSC Mamba
Types of support
Feedback form on the siteChatPersonal Cabinet
English, French, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Russian, Chinese, Belarusian
Age restrictions
From 18 years
VIP accountInvisible mode, see who added the user to favorites, liked in the app, use stickers in correspondence
Gifts and compliments
Additional services
Searching for friends by email
Psychological testing
Games and apps
The gallery of likes
Opportunity to earn coins by playing free apps
Methods of replenishment
Bank card (Visa/MC), Mobile payments
Mobile apps
There are mobile apps (iOS / Android)
Company's mode of operation
Round the clock
Availability of online payment
Availability of a personal account
Need to register on the site
Affiliate Program
Registration45% from any user spending
Lots of entertaining content and ways to interact with other users
Psychological testing
Free registration
User verification
Automatic renewal of paid subscription
No direct communication with the company
No censorship
Complaints about scammers who registered on the site
Controlling authorities and laws
Company requisites
Date of update
December 16, 2024
Overall assessment
    More on that

    Is Mamba a Scam? Complete Review and Real Customer Feedback

    Published: 10 February 2020 Updated: 16 December 2024

    Mamba – it is one of the most popular dating sites. Its audience grows by more than a million people a month. The resource operates in 50 countries and absorbs others, such as Teamo, which a provider bought out.

    But is it possible to equate scale with safety? Mamba – is it a scam or a reliable platform where you can really meet the right person? Let’s find out.



    Why Mamba?

    Mamba is a resource with rich functionality and free registration. You not only fill out a profile with general information but also take a psychological test, create a self-portrait, participate in games and applications, record video broadcasts (stories), create ads so that other people respond to them, write diaries and see statistics of your page attendance.

    In addition, the audience here is quite large because of the popularity of the platform. Of course, the lack of serious censorship leads to the fact that among this mass there are horny and criminal elements. However, this is the downside of mass: it is simply impossible to verify such a number of users, especially if it is not compensated, because you do not pay for registration. So, in general, the dating site looks interesting.

    How to Register at

    Registration on the site starts with the main page. You choose the way: through social networks (just providing access to the information on the page) or through mail (entering basic data about yourself and confirming the e-mail). We settled on the second option.


    Enter your name, email address, gender, date of birth and click “Register”. The next step is to confirm one of the contacts: phone number, social network, messenger. Now you can go to a personal account.


    Mamba Account

    There are several sections in the Mamba personal cabinet:

    • Questionnaire – page with information about the user (photo, self-portrait, open questions for profile visitors, ads – we’ll talk about them later, the results of psychological testing).
    • Settings – Change email, password, language, profile confirmation method, connect or disconnect notifications, privacy, connect VIP status, company info, and policies.
    • Support – online chat for contacting the support team.

    In the top menu there are also buttons for messages, raising the profile (like on Avito) and notifications of visitors to the page. A lot of third-party advertising – contextual ads, which we see in the browser, email agent and other resources.

    The search is performed not only by region and age, but also taking into account all the parameters: the purpose of dating, marital status and having children, appearance, bad habits, financial situation, novelty and popularity of the profile, tags (individual concepts, which are characterized by members of the community).

    Mobile Application

    The dating site has a mobile application for free download from Google Play Market and App Store. The software works on devices with Android and iOS and supports all desktop features: creating and editing a profile, searching, adding to favorites, notification settings, displaying likes, etc. It displays correctly on the screen. But some users have problems logging into the account. In general, the software is rated by customers at 4.5-4.6 points out of a possible 5, which is pretty good.



    Additional Mamba Services

    In addition to the basic functionality (editing questionnaires, selecting questionnaires), there are a number of additional features.


    You place your offer in the feed following the example of the online version of Iz Ruk v Ruki. And you wait for feedback: people go to your page and contact you if they are interested in the ad. Unfortunately, most of what we see does not pass the censorship requirements (quite explicit offers of intimacy).


    Video stories starring you (like Instagram and VKontakte).


    Sort of like a LiveJournal blog. You write stories, and share your thoughts and ideas, and others read, comment, and interact with you and each other.

    Searching for friends by email

    Determining if there is someone you know on

    Applications has lots of free games and apps: “Kiss and Meet” (a bottle where you like or skip random profiles), World Poker Club (real poker tournaments with an opportunity to chat and make friends with participants), “Three Photos” (its goal is to guess which of the 3 photos gathered the most votes). This is not just entertaining content and an additional opportunity to establish contact with this or that person, but also earning the application currency – coins.

    The Help of a Psychologist

    Counseling by a psychologist is not available on the platform. Neither is the support of a manager. Communication with the support team is solely for the provision of services and maintenance.



    For a more complete portrait and accurate site search You are invited to take a psychological test (compiled by LLC, which Mamba has repurchased, so you will first be asked to accept the terms of the relevant user agreement). The results will then be seen by visitors to your profile.

    At first, the questions will have nothing to do with your character: they will ask for information about your education, profession, and marital status. Then you will need to tell how you assess your health, appearance, and bad habits. The next step of association is to choose an image that most closely matches your definition of the given abstract concept. Then – agreement/disagreement with the statements.

    As a result, we get a list of character traits in percentage terms. Moreover, if you have previously registered on Teamo, the system will find you and make a definition taking into account the data from the previous questionnaire and not the current one. That’s what happened to us, too. You can update your psychological profile by retaking the test.

    Compatibility Analysis

    There is no compatibility analysis on Mamba, you yourself select potential partners guided by their profiles, self-portrait,s and test results.

    VIP Status

    Paid services (available only after VIP status purchase):

    • Using stickers in correspondence.
    • View those who have added you as a favorite, and voted in the app.
    • Enable/disable “invisible” mode (you decide which information about yourself to show, and which not).
    • More filters when searching (adding weight, height, sexual preference, etc. – all the things that users don’t display openly).

    VIP costs 597 rubles for a week, 897 rubles for 30 days, and 2532 rubles for 90 days. An important point: the subscription is automatically renewable. This means that they won’t ask you if you plan to renew it after the paid period expires, but will simply write off a new amount as an advance for subsequent use, without warning or requesting permission. The service is only deactivated upon request to the helpdesk, after time-consuming processing. You can also raise the profile in the search, by paying 102 rubles (payment by card, SMS-payment). One-time service: you do not “hang” at the top all the time, but are displaced by the next person who bought the raise.



    How to Start Online Dating at

    The following actions are available to make a connection on

    • A wink is just a greeting without words.
    • Message.
    • Gift – paid or free.

    In some cases, when the user is popular and has a lot of unread messages, you will not be able to write to him – you will need to activate VIP (remember, it allows you to raise your profile and messages in the list) or send a gift.


    Filling out a Dating Profile on the Mamba Site

    The compatibility questionnaire is the first thing you begin your Mamba profile with. In addition to your photo and the information you provided during the registration process (name, mail, gender, date of birth), you need to specify:

    • Hobbies (interests) – tags are used. You can use them later for searching and evaluating compatibility.
    • Questions that visitors to your page will want to leave an answer for.
    • Characteristics (yours and your potential partner’s) – a few sentences about yourself (free field), height, weight, build, education, purpose, dating, whether you are in a relationship/marriage, have children, attitudes toward smoking and alcohol, financial situation, appearance (European, Asian, Indian, African, etc.), orientation (bi, hetero, gay, other), language skills, desired age and gender of the interlocutor.

    You are also invited to fill out a kind of self-portrait: several fields with free statements (about pets, favorite city, artists, supreme happiness, and other things).

    Online Chat for Communication

    Dialogs with users and support are carried out through online chat. You go to a person’s page, press “Write a message”, and then a window opens with a list of those to whom you’ve already written (or from whom you’ve received letters). In addition to the text, smiles are added to the message and compliments (gifts) are attached.


    Tips for Communicating on the Site

    • Visit your personal account regularly and respond to messages from people you like immediately – many dialogues get frustrated because of the “missed moment”.
    • Carefully study all the information about the person – this will help you understand whether he lies in conversation with you, and what tactics of communication prefers (for example, some people like initiative from other people, while others are important to be initiators, so they do not respond to messages from newcomers).
    • You should not always believe the photo – for fear of appearing unsympathetic, some people find images online and hide under a kind of mask.
    • Do not be in a hurry to reveal personal information about yourself – the service provider does not conduct a complete check, and the other side of the monitor may be the culprit.


    Mamba Bonuses

    Bonuses on dating sites are rare. And is no exception. The only thing you can “get rich with” here are coins. This is a kind of virtual currency, created to buy gifts (compliments) for other users. In addition to the fact that coins are bought with real money, they can be “earned” by playing free applications.


    Referral Program

    The Mamba referral program is a reward for every client brought to the site by you. After registration, you get a unique link, which you are free to place on any public resource (website, blog, social network page, forum, etc.), if it does not violate the requirements of the law and the rights of others. You earn up to 45% from purchases of every user who registered on



    Complaints About Mamba

    Mamba users complain about frequent cases of fraud, spam, and unpleasant behavior from their interlocutors on the dating site. All this is because the provider does not particularly check customers – only at the beginning you go through a light verification, confirming the phone number or social network profile.

    Those who do not violate the rules can be blocked. As usual, without explanation.

    Commenters also do not like the paid services, which, by the way, do not protect them from being blocked. On the contrary, it is often after payment that the account is blocked.

    If there are any reviews about Mamba Dating, we’ll post them on social media. Sign up so you don’t miss anything!

    Please keep yourself informed about news and complaints. We copy the most valuable information to social networks, so please sign up!

    Supervisory Authorities

    Russian site ( belongs to Mamba CJSC, registered in Moscow in 2004 (the number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is SE9965-20-9826128). This means that it operates under the laws of the Russian Federation. The main type of activity is specified as being connected with the use of computer technology and IT. This means that the service falls under the concept of “information resource” and in our country does not require licensing. Thus, is only regulated by the Federal Tax Service (as the platform makes payments) and Roskomnadzor.

    Check the registration of CJSC “Mamba” in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

    Age Restrictions

    The site contains adult content, so it is restricted to 18+. This requirement is spelled out in the site’s user agreement.

    User Agreement

    The Mamba User Agreement opens in a pop-up window, which makes it very inconvenient to read. The document is quite short and defines the nature of the legal relationship between the platform visitors and its owners. So, paragraph 2 of the section “Copyright”, among other things, notes that you have no right to place links on the resource without the written consent of the provider. This, we understand, also applies to the content of posts.

    In the third paragraph of the same section, you give the service provider the right, without restriction, to distribute, translate and even edit content (including content, as is clear from other paragraphs) you have added to the site or otherwise transmitted.

    And Mamba has the right to assign its rights to you to a third party. On the one hand, the provider says that he is not obliged to be responsible for the content of messages. And it doesn’t check it (clause 2 of the “Messages” section).

    On the other hand, it sets some requirements for this content (clause 8 of the “Messages” section).

    You use the site at your own risk, on an “as is” basis. That is, without any guarantees or collateral. Mamba is not liable for any damages resulting from your use of the site (clauses 1-3 of the “Liability” section).

    Customer Service

    A feedback form and online chat on the site are provided for contacting the support team. The latter opens in the list of dialogs with other participants. For questions about suspending paid subscriptions, please contact the email address: [email protected].


    Is Mamba a Scam?

    Mamba – is an officially registered resource, but you have no guarantees of its safe use because the provider does not take responsibility for checking users. In addition, unpleasant is the fact that subscriptions on the site are renewed automatically and without the cardholder’s permission the funds are deducted to pay for them.

    Reviews online confirm both of these factors. Mamba customers complain about harassment, attempts to cheat and lack of adequate people. Whether this is a feature of this particular site or any free dating site is up to you to decide. We do not believe that Mamba is a scam, but we would prefer to register on a specialized platform, albeit paid, but providing strict control.


    Conclusion – an interesting, entertainment-rich resource. And it demonstrates the site’s (and therefore its visitors’) policy: aiming for fun, not serious relationships.

    Of course, it is easier to make acquaintances here, there are many ways to do this (apps, likes, tests, gifts, etc.) and you can pursue different goals. But we still think that such sites should not be so similar to social services as not to lose the very idea of the format: creating serious relationships. In this respect, loses out to many other resources.

    No fakes


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