Online store | |
Official website | |
Head Office | Acico Business Park7, 29a Street4 Floor, Office 403 32500 94543 Port Saeed, Deira, Dubai |
Date of foundation | 1970 |
Company owner | Desert Online General Trading LLC |
Types of support | Live ChatHelp CenterFacebookTwitterInstagram |
Phone Support | |
Social network | |
Languages | English, Arabic |
Bonuses | |
Methods of replenishment | Bank card (Visa/MC), American Express, PayPal |
Purchase on credit | No |
Installment | No |
Store Category | Beauty and Health, Furniture and Home Furnishings, Music and Sound, Clothing, Footwear and Accessories, Software and Games, Sports, Goods for Children, Digital and Home Appliances, Auto Goods, Gifts and Flowers, Creative Goods and Books |
Project Features | International e-commerce platform selling more than 100,000,000 products worldwide |
Additional services | Shipping Online order tracking Search by Brand Information Blog Employment Opportunity |
Project regions of operation | All countries in the world |
Delivery methods | Courier Delivery |
Delivery time | From 3 to 16 days |
Mobile apps | |
Affiliate Program | Registration2.3 to 3.8% per paid order |
Advantages | Large selection of products from all over the world A concise user interface for the site Convenient official mobile app Warranty on purchased goods Additional tools on the platform Bonus programs and periodic promotions Multilingual support service |
Disadvantages | There are delays in delivery |
Controlling authorities and laws | UAE executive bodies |
Company requisites | Legal name: Desert Online General Trading LLC Legal address: Acico Business Park7, 29 a Street4 Floor, Office 403 32500 94543 Port Saeed, Deira, Dubai |
Overall assessment | 8.1/10 |
Date of update | November 5, 2024 |
Is Desertcart a Scam? Complete Review and Real Customer Feedback
Desertcart – is an international e-commerce platform that was established in Dubai in 2014. Most retailers from the UAE, U.S., UK and other European countries publish their products in the Desertcart catalog, thus increasing the reach and recognition of products. The company also searches and selects popular products on online platforms Amazon and Walmart, compiling separate catalogs for them. Users can see all popular products in one place, without wasting extra time searching elsewhere.
In this review, we will closely examine the work of the online store DesertcartWe will check the convenience of product search and catalog tools, and learn the rules of delivery and payment. We will also find legal information and analyze recent reviews on the Internet from real customers. After that we will be able to understand whether it is worth buying from Desertcart, and whether it’s a scam?
Why Desertcart?
On the site The company has more than 100,000,000 items that are manufactured and sold all over the world, and the site makes it possible to collect all items in one order and arrange for delivery to the door. The visitor can also contact the company’s support team and start a dialogue with the operator in any language, without the need to use online translators. All orders from Desertcart have an official warranty from 6 months to 1 year, so the customer can be confident in the safety and reliability of their funds. The company has many more powerful advantages, which are worth highlighting in a nutshell:
- concise user interface of the site;
- the official mobile app;
- warranty on purchased goods;
- multilingual support service;
- additional tools on the platform;
- bonus programs and periodic promotions;
- a large selection of goods from all over the world.
What can I buy at Desertkart?
On the home page of Desertcart platform the user will see a laconic panel without extra elements – in the center there is a search bar, and just below it goods from the most viewed categories are published. To go to the main catalog site, the customer needs to click on the “Explore” button, which is located to the right of the logo. Website opens an additional context menu, where all products are grouped into separate categories. When hovering over or tapping the tab from your smartphone, a menu with subsections will be displayed at the bottom. This type of catalog will help the user to find the right product faster without prior use of smart filters.
For an accurate understanding of the entire structure of Desertcart, you need to study the catalog of the online platform in more detail:
- “Infant.” (toys for babies and newborns, bathing and skin care paraphernalia, car seats, diapers and nutrition, gift sets, travel goods, etc.).
- “Toys.” (dolls and dollhouses, electronics for children, card and board games, collections of coins and stamps, radio-controlled cars, spare parts, children’s furniture and educational toys).
- “Sport.” (boating paraphernalia, sportswear, goods for fitness, hunting and fishing, casino, darts, outdoor activities, sports accessories and supplies).
- “Electronics.” (cameras, computers, car electronics, cell phones, credit card readers, office equipment, video games, portable devices).
- “Beauty and Care” (bathing accessories, cleansers, perfumes, hair care, makeup paraphernalia, accessories, cotton swabs, mirrors, bags and cases, etc.).
- “Home and Kitchen.” (dinnerware sets, glassware, benches and china cabinets, small kitchen appliances, water filters, air fresheners, storage containers and catering equipment).
- “Health.” (medical equipment, oral care, personal care products, sports nutrition, vitamins and supplements, first aid products, etc.).
- “Fashion.” (clothing, shoes, jewelry, watches, baby products, bags, luggage, travel duffels).
- “Printed publications.” (biographies, business, children’s books, Christian literature, comic books, method books, recipes).
Desertcart is similar to other platforms in many ways (Aliexpress, Amazon, Heaven Gifts), so the user may have problems with translation and correct display of the tabs in the catalog.
How do I find the right product at
Searching for products on the online platform Desertcart is not different from other online stores – the site there is a main catalog with additional subsections and a search bar that searches for products without reference to categories. Since the list of products may not display correctly in the main sections, it’s easier for the client to use the search bar. On the main page it is installed in the center, where if you click from the bottom a context menu with recent and popular searches will appear. The product name should be entered in the area where there is typing animation.
The site will automatically start searching for positions, prompting you to go straight to the results via pop-up tags. After confirming the entry, the user proceeds to the next page where the entire list of results will be published. If there will be messages about the absence of products with that name, then it is necessary to reload the page, as the site periodically shows this error. Searching through the catalog is done in exactly the same way as in online stores. The user needs to click on the “Explore” button, select the main category, put the cursor on it, and see the list of compiled subsections. By clicking on one item, the site will open a tab with products from the selected category.
Product card
In the catalog of Desertcart platform products are placed in a small card with information on delivery time and price including shipping. When clicking on the card the user is taken to a separate page where detailed information about the product, its characteristics and additional photos are published. Desertcart card is informative and design-friendly – you can change product parameters (color, size, amount, etc.) and add it to cart in a separate panel. The card also has a “Share” button – by clicking on it the client can send a link to the product to social networks (Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook).
How to order from Desertcart?
You can place an order on the Desertcart online platform only through the product card by adding it to the cart. The customer service phone number is at the bottom of the home page, but it’s for general questions about using the resource. The client needs to add the item to the cart and proceed to checkout, filling in all the fields with contact data and confirming the order. Platforms such as: Aliexpress, Alibaba, Gearbest and others.
How do I register at
To place an order or make a single purchase, the customer does not need to create a personal account on the site desertcart.aeas the platform allows buying an item without logging into the user’s account. However, if the buyer wants to track the status of the shipment in the personal cabinet or participate in Desertcart bonus program, then he needs to register for this.
In the upper right corner there is an active link “Create account”, which opens a small contextual window in the center. Here you have to enter your email address and confirm the creation of the account. Also in Desertcart there is an alternative way of registration – authorization through Apple. After confirming the application for registration, the user should check the mailbox and see there an email with the registration code. This is a temporary password to sign in, which can be changed later in the account control panel. After that the client enters the phone number to verify the account and gets to the personal cabinet, where the site offers to fill in the contact information for a quick purchase without re-entering this information.
Personal Cabinet
After registering, an icon will appear in the upper right corner in the form of a persona, near the shopping cart and a tab with the choice of region. Clicking on it, the site will open a small menu, where you need to select “My Account” to get to the account control panel. The personal account of the Desertcart online platform is divided into such categories:
- Personal Information (ability to edit name and login information).
- Billing and Payment (a list of all cards and means of payment that were previously involved in payment transactions on the site).
- Addresses (addresses for delivery).
- Store Credit (tab for gift card activation and credit balance display).
- Notifications (managing newsletter subscriptions).
- Plus Membership (manage your Desertcart Club membership subscription).
- Verification Documents (tab for identification and downloading files).
How do I place my order at
The ordering procedure consists of three steps, which can be done from a computer or smartphone. The first thing the client needs to do is find the item on the site via the main catalog or search bar, and go to the card. Here a panel will appear where you need to select additional parameters (taking into account the category and type of the product), examine the block with information on delivery and add to cart by clicking on the blue button “Add to cart”. Next to the cart icon a number with the number of added items will appear, and by clicking on it the client proceeds to the second stage of the checkout.
Here you need to choose the type of delivery (standard or expedited) and fill in contact information to form the order. If the client has entered the address before, a small card with the saved details will appear on the page. Next comes the payment stage, where you need to enter the card number and the name of the owner. After confirming the transaction the order goes into processing and its track number is displayed in the personal cabinet, as well as on the mail, which the client specified when placing the order.
Additional features
The site has several useful additional options that give a better understanding of the platform, increase the degree of interaction with the company, as well as simplify product search and order placement.
Order Tracking
In the lower sections of the site, there is a Track Order tab that takes the user to a separate page with an interactive order tracking panel. There are tabs with open orders and cancelled purchases. Once a customer confirms an order, it is formed at the warehouse and a track number is assigned to it, which automatically gets added to the list of tracked shipments. To see the current status of the parcel, the client only needs to go to the “Track Order” tab, where all the information will already be published.
Search by Brand
Additional search function on the site by sorting by brands. The Brands tab contains the entire list of manufacturers whose products are sold on Desertcart. At the top is an alphabetical index where you can select a letter or number to sort the list of brands.
Help Center
Since the support service is often overloaded and answers take a long time to arrive, the client will be helped by the help center, where all the basic information about the site and the rules of use are published. Materials are sorted into separate blocks, so you can find the help you need in two clicks.
At the bottom of the site you can see a “Careers” tab where Desertcart managers periodically post information about new job openings at the company. The tab also has talking points about the benefits of working at Desertcart, which may be helpful for people looking for a new job.
Company Blog
A separate tab where useful articles and the latest news about the company’s products that come into stock are periodically posted. Also here you can find the author’s recommendations and reviews of popular items. All publications are organized into separate categories, which are listed on the right side of the blog page.
Mobile application
The Desertcart e-commerce platform is also available on mobile apps, which can be downloaded on iOS and Android. The overall interface of the program corresponds to the site – the user will also be able to search for products, place orders, and use additional tools.
Payment and Shipping at Desertcart
Desertcart has a flat fee for shipping without regard to weight or quantity. Desertcart sends parcels for free, using international logistics services.
How do I pay for my order?
Payment for the order is made on the site when the order is placed. After selecting the method of delivery the client receives a form with fields where he needs to enter the card details and the name of the owner. Desertcart accepts payments from Visa, Mastercard, American Express cards and through the service PayPal. Confirmation of the transaction takes place on the side of the payment system.
Ways to deliver the product
Delivery methods will be displayed at the time of checkout, and their number depends on the item, its parameters and the seller’s location. In Desertcart the user can arrange standard (fixed fee) and expedited delivery for an additional fee. Logistics partners of the company are not published on the site.
Ways to return merchandise
Under the tab “Return and Exchange” Desertcart has published information on returns, which states that the customer has the right to send the product within 14 days of receipt. However, not all items can be returned, for clarification the user should leave a request to support and get information and the next stages of return. If the product is of poor quality due to the fault of the seller, then the company is obliged to pay the return shipping costs. If the fault of the buyer or the delivery service – the amount will be deducted from the total compensation. The request is processed within 2-7 working days.
Dezertkart Bonuses
It is rare to see sales or promotions on the Desertcart platform site, as the company does not sell products from itself and therefore does not set prices. If a manufacturer decides to discount its items, the price on Desertcart will change automatically, without notification that the price has been reduced as part of the promotion. Nevertheless, goods are delivered through the platform, and the company has developed a bonus program that allows for savings on delivery.
Free Shipping
You can get free shipping when you order items.
DC Plus
The bonus program from Desertcart acts as a subscription to additional services, details of which can be found in the help center. DC Plus provides a number of bonuses, including personalized promotions and offers, which are formed with partner companies. By purchasing a DC Plus subscription, users receive the following benefits:
- unlimited free shipping with no minimum order amount;
- 4 free expedited shipping for the next month, then a 50% discount;
- 30 days of free returns on merchandise.
A membership subscription will suit shoppers who order from the Desertcart platform systematically, as much of the benefit is focused on free shipping.
Affiliate Program
Desertcart platform has developed its own affiliate program, where webmaster can earn on commission for conversions and confirmed orders on the site. The commission percentage depends on the minimum monthly sales amount, starting at 6% and going up to 15%. Information about the PP is published in the “Desertcart Affiliate” tab. From the Spa Network. Admitad the following remuneration is available: from 2.3 to 3.8% per paid order.
Complaints about Desertcart
Most of the reviews of the Desertcart platform are published on foreign thematic sites, on the TrustPilot site users often shared their impressions about the work of the online store. In general, the platform has a good rating, where 69% commentators praised the store. Looking through the reviews in English, you can see that the participants of the discussion are satisfied with Desertcart, noting the large selection of products, fast delivery and a pleasant user interface. Some of the people advise others to buy from Desertcart and are not afraid of the fact that they may receive low-quality goods.
If there are any reviews about Desertcart online store, we’ll be sure to post the information on social media. Sign up so you don’t miss anything!
Please keep yourself informed about news and complaints. We copy the most valuable information to social networks, so please sign up!
The store’s website does not publish legal information about the company, which can be checked in public registries. We were able to find out that trading activities have been conducted from Desert Online General Trading LLC since 2014, and Desertcart is listed as a registered mark with license number 767970. The actual address of the company’s head office is Acico Business Park 7, 29a Street 4th Floor, Office 403 32500 94543 Port Saeed, Deira, Dubai.
User agreement
The public offer of the e-commerce site is published in the tab “Terms and Conditions” and is available only in English. Here the user will not find sales rules or clauses about the obligations of both parties – the document describes only general points of use of the site, including disclaimers, changes or corrections on, as well as some communication rules. You should pay attention to point 6 “Links”, which states that the administrators of Desertcart do not check the links to third-party resources that are published on the site. It also contains information about the disclaimer of responsibility in the case of links to third parties. The user should be more careful with such links, as all actions will be regulated by another user agreement.
In the lower sections of the site, there is also a “Privacy Policy” tab with a small text about the protection of the user’s personal data. The company undertakes to protect the client’s confidential information and not to pass it on to third parties, unless required by the state. Work with personal data is regulated by UAE law.
Customer Service
- by phone: +971-452-455-55-55;
- online chat;
- social media.
Is Desertcart a Scam?
On the site Desertcart The company rarely runs promotions, but users can sign up for free shipping and regular bonus offers. The company rarely runs promotions, but users can sign up for free shipping and regular bonus offers.
In this review we took a close look at Desertcart, its catalog, and additional tools. In addition, we have checked the online reviews, the offer and the Privacy Policy. On this basis, we can say that Desertcart is not a scam.
Design Desertcart stands out from other competitors, the platform is easy to use from your computer and smartphone, including a free mobile app. More than 100,000,000 products from different categories are published on the site, which are cleverly arranged in a tiered catalog. Desertcart offers a DC Plus subscription with discounts and personalized offers. If the user has any questions while navigating the site, the support team can be contacted around the clock. If you have had an experience shopping in this store, then share it with us in reviews.
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