• Company Review GeekBrains
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    I don't understand the negativity, I'm taking...

    I don’t understand the negativity, I’m taking a web design course, 4th quarter. The school is excellent, I have something to compare it with. Lessons are clear and detailed, already have in portfolio a few works. As for mentors, maybe you’re unlucky, I’m fine with that, bad work is not missed, they all point out I had a lot of flaws, and until you fix them, you can’t go any further. Before I enrolled, I took a free web design intensive, which helped me understand more about I’m not studying by installments, so I can’t say anything about credit. I am not studying by installments, so I can’t say anything about credit.

    In general, I am grateful to my I’d like to thank the teachers, because they opened the door to the profession that I had dreamed of for a long time. And I can tell those who are not happy, they will not coddle you here, Work on yourself, learn, and everything will work out for you!

    • Andrey Čayka Alena S 15 July 2021 at 09:34
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      Now tell me, where do you work? And what is your salary and what is your position?

More honest opinions from real people about the company GeekBrains

  • Niko 2 years ago
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    Fraud Alert

    I'm getting tired of waiting for the test course. Something is wrong with this course. I didn't ask to learn how to build a website, HTML, C#, etc. I just want to learn how to test a page for the international market. Should only take 2-3 months to complete. It says accelerated start of test course and... Read more
  • Liliya Kuznecova 2 years ago
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    Digital professions

    I applied for a course in the state program Digital Professions. At first I waited a long time for the link to the entrance test. When I got it, it was too early to rejoice, because it is not possible to pass the entrance test for the free course. In 20 minutes you must answer 10 very difficult questions... Read more
  • Anonymous user 2 years ago
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    strange school

    Bad methodology! At first I got into a group, then the training was suspended for the intensive. But there's no way to keep up with the intensive - the point is that the classes Every day for 2 hours with homework - if there is something else to do in life - then you will get behind in any case I.e... Read more
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