Strange, they ask to verify the card. You need to take a picture of both sides of the card, where all the information is. It’s suspicious.
Anastasiya Vershinina
22 November 2019 at 12:23
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Thank you for your feedback, Ivan! You are right, both sides of the card are needed. However, for your safety, leave only the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card open and close the CVV number. The cardholder’s name should also be indicated and the card itself signed. Please be advised that this procedure is necessary to ensure the security of your account and your personal data.
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Trading forex + some shares these days
Altough they offer more stocks than shares , I am glad to see taht forex also is under nice conditions with good spreads and no big slippages, given that the itnernet is high speed🌐 Also I am loving the platform , it was super uncortable in the beginning but now I just cant imagine trading elsewhere... Read more
Strange, they ask to verify the card
Strange, they ask to verify the card. You need to take a picture of both sides of the card, where all the information is. It’s suspicious.