Yesterday on Binomo there were some major platform freezes around 15:44 and onwards. Then there was a splash screen about platform improvements. But from an ethical point of view, all trades that were opened at the time of the platform update should be canceled by the borker. But, since the deal was not canceled, it closed in minus, if there was no platform freeze, the deal would have closed in +, since the deal was opened on the downside, and the quote value went deep into the minus….
Demo account (no offense) question: if the same will be on the real account, sadness… ID 13942536
P.S. There are also constant hangs for 1-2 seconds at the moment of opening a deal. I think it is because the platform “does not handle” a large number of traders working on the platform at the same time. This is not observed on weekends. Deals are opened instantly.
P.P.S: Very inconvenient display of quotes. It takes only 4 – 4.5 hours. That makes it impossible to analyze the market in detail. Why not make a review of quotes for a longer period to trace the dynamics. For example, for a year (as on OlumpTrade)….
Dmitriy Ushatov
5 March 2018 at 09:36
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Dmitry, good day! Thank you for your constructive suggestions, they have been passed to our colleagues for review. On the results of trading during technical failures, of course, we work individually with each trader personally. In this regard, please send us an email (Contact Us section of the official website), your situation will be reviewed in detail and the issue will be resolved. Thank you for your understanding!
More honest opinions from real people about the company Binomo
Anonymous user2 years ago
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Hi all. I was also cheated by this office Binomo for a large sum, $ 17500 in 2021. I had no money until I decided to withdraw the money, then it all started, they began to drain my account, asking for more money for the drawdown then for the insurance, I tried many times with different offices to withdraw... Read more
Anonymous user2 years ago
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not good
These guy’s are fraudsters in this company the try to trick you with sweet words and promises in line of investments. They’re just fooling you and these are some bunch of thieves circulating in this rocket. They are scammers and liars.
bazuka boom3 years ago
Rate your review2
I was deceived
Binomo screwed me out of $2,000. As soon as I started earning good money, they immediately blocked me and wouldn't let me withdraw my own money.
Yesterday on Binomo there were some major...
Yesterday on Binomo there were some major platform freezes around 15:44 and onwards. Then there was a splash screen about platform improvements. But from an ethical point of view, all trades that were opened at the time of the platform update should be canceled by the borker. But, since the deal was not canceled, it closed in minus, if there was no platform freeze, the deal would have closed in +, since the deal was opened on the downside, and the quote value went deep into the minus….
Demo account (no offense) question: if the same will be on the real account, sadness… ID 13942536
P.S. There are also constant hangs for 1-2 seconds at the moment of opening a deal. I think it is because the platform “does not handle” a large number of traders working on the platform at the same time. This is not observed on weekends. Deals are opened instantly.
P.P.S: Very inconvenient display of quotes. It takes only 4 – 4.5 hours. That makes it impossible to analyze the market in detail. Why not make a review of quotes for a longer period to trace the dynamics. For example, for a year (as on OlumpTrade)….