For a long time I wanted to do something interesting, on the Internet I came across the site, I entered it, read it and decided to leave a request to call back and talk in detail about this area. My brokerage company is not interested in these products, I decided to leave an application and ask for a call-back with more details. All the transactions we made were at the expense of the company. I opened my account after 40 minutes and on the next day I started to work.
More honest opinions from real people about the company
felix fab2 years ago
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It's quite unfortunate that too many people have fallen victim to the vast array of online frauds, resulting in large losses, some accountable to life – changing consequences. I have been a victim of fraud of about $80,000.00 by two binary platform films, Ingoinvest binary option and I was totally devastated... Read more
Danil4 years ago
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And my money has evaporated from my...
And my money has evaporated from my balance, tech support does not respond. No money. I was once advised Poket, so there money even without verification output. I will leave who is interested
For a long time I wanted to...
For a long time I wanted to do something interesting, on the Internet I came across the site, I entered it, read it and decided to leave a request to call back and talk in detail about this area. My brokerage company is not interested in these products, I decided to leave an application and ask for a call-back with more details. All the transactions we made were at the expense of the company. I opened my account after 40 minutes and on the next day I started to work.