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  • Company Review NordFX
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    !!! ATTENTION SCAMMERS !!! A month ago...


    A month ago opened a trading account with these crooks. Started trading. For 2 weeks doubled.

    The manager (Ivan Pozdnyakov – [email protected]) calls and says that they are not interested in such cooperation and informs me that on the basis of clause 13 and clause 14 of the “Bonus 55% promotion rules” they have the right to unilaterally just take away the bonus, which was given when depositing the account. And strongly recommends to register on their RAMM platform, so that they do not take away the bonus.
    Having received my consent, they are engaged in allegedly technical preparations for the transfer of funds to this RAMM account.
    A week later, the same manager calls and informs me that they decided to cancel all transactions and return the deposit because I violated some of their regulations.
    After realizing what this is about, I apply for withdrawal of funds. the commission for withdrawal is 4% plus a fixed part for each application.

    I receive the following letter:
    “We notify you that based on clause 11 of the terms and conditions of the bonus program of the company as well as clause 13.6.4 of the client agreement and violations of the terms and conditions of the affiliate agreement, which prohibits affiliates from participating in the affiliate program and receiving commission from trading, especially with bonus funds, we are forced to return your deposit and close your trading account.”
    I have no idea what affiliates we are talking about here.

    Both clauses in their essence say that they at their discretion can refuse to pay out all earned funds to the client at any time and return only the initial deposit.
    p.s. All correspondence by e-mail with the manager of this company is available, of course. And every word I am ready to confirm in court. If there is experience of court proceedings with these swindlers – please contact me by e-mail: [email protected].

    • predstavitely NordFX ekonomist 5 November 2018 at 07:07
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      Dear Client,
      Yesterday you opened this thread on a Forex forum, where a representative of the company started to correspond with you.

      As it was told to you before, such blocking is extremely rare. During the 10 years of NordFX’s work more than 1.250.000 accounts were opened, the number of blocked accounts amounts to several tens and was caused by serious breaches of the trading rules.
      In your case, the denial of service is associated with violations of the terms of the Bonus Program, the Client Agreement, as well as the Affiliate Agreement, which prohibits affiliates to participate in the affiliate program and receive commissions from trading, especially bonus funds.

      As for your wish to discredit NordFX by spreading negative information on various Internet forums, such actions cannot influence our decision in any way.
      Your deposit has been fully refunded.

      Regards, NordFX representative.

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    Trusted Broker since 2008

    As a layman in forex I have earned good return on my investment using copy trading system of NordFx. I got speedy pay outs on my usdt wallets from nordfx
  • Cahil Demine 2 years ago
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    Wrong place

    NordFX is a real scam! In the beginning, I opened an account with them and traded. Initially, everything was in order: fast execution, negligible slippage. I registered an affiliate link and started advertising their broker. One of the traders registered through my affiliate link. As a result, I received... Read more
  • Vlad Kant 4 years ago
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    It's strange, they write "kitchen", but the...

    It's strange, they write "kitchen", but the broker has been living for many, many years. My account with the company is 1275484. I have been working with them for a long time and they have not cheated me out of money yet. I am not an expert and I am not willing to pay for my services.
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