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  • Company Review NordFX
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    I had only one problem with NordFX...

    I had only one problem with NordFX and that was when I got acquainted. I specified the address of my actual residence, not the address of the registration. As a result the first verification was denied, I had to find a utility bill in my name (no later than 2 months old!), scan it and send it. Verified, the manager called, explained that these strictures on verification are related to the regulation of the European Union.

    Otherwise, since March 2016 there was no trouble on my account 1062437 at Nord. The broker is “on the level” both in terms of quotes and withdrawal. I have not given any reason to complain yet.

    • SenykoFX ForexGuru 5 November 2017 at 19:45
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      My acquaintance had the same problem with NordFX – he is Lithuanian, the card (instead of a passport) was verified, but they do not have a residence permit for a long time. So, he sent a scan of some other document. He was swearing, like “I have nothing else to do”, “I’m an EU citizen”, “bureaucrats”.

      Recently I called him on Skype and asked, how do I work with NordFX? He said “fine”, “a decent European broker”, by the way, Nord is very popular in Lithuania now.

More honest opinions from real people about the company NordFX

  • Seema Gunjal 4 months ago
    Rate your review 1

    Trusted Broker since 2008

    As a layman in forex I have earned good return on my investment using copy trading system of NordFx. I got speedy pay outs on my usdt wallets from nordfx
  • Cahil Demine 2 years ago
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    Wrong place

    NordFX is a real scam! In the beginning, I opened an account with them and traded. Initially, everything was in order: fast execution, negligible slippage. I registered an affiliate link and started advertising their broker. One of the traders registered through my affiliate link. As a result, I received... Read more
  • Vlad Kant 4 years ago
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    It's strange, they write "kitchen", but the...

    It's strange, they write "kitchen", but the broker has been living for many, many years. My account with the company is 1275484. I have been working with them for a long time and they have not cheated me out of money yet. I am not an expert and I am not willing to pay for my services.
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