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  • Company Review Doto
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    Mostly the fees

    I’m mostly here for the fees, they are very small, especially noticeable with BTC. Just check it here and on the rest of CFDs. There are brokers that legit take $200 USD in spreads for 1 BTC, I even saw $370 on one. It’s unbelievable.
    With Doto, the swaps are super-low (+5), leverage is pretty crazy (100x for BTC, bit less for rest), and the spreads are $20-$25 for me. So it is legit 10 times less than some other top brokers.
    For forex markets spreads are also great honestly, but more in line with everywhere else, around 0.8-1.1 pips EUR/USD.
    Speed of withdrawal could be faster, like 30 mins to 1 hour would be great. These guys also don’t withdraw at night I noticed. But rest is solid.

    • Cool TV integration in the main platform window too, I notice I trade in web browser mostly because of how easy it is here.
    • The Doto Team Tisorn Parnthep 11 December 2024 at 11:25
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      Hey there Tisorn Parnthep,

      Thank you for your detailed and constructive review!

      We’re thrilled to hear that our competitive fee structure, particularly for BTC and other CFDs, has met your expectations. Keeping trading costs low is a priority for us, and it’s great to know that our spreads and swaps stand out compared to other brokers. We’re especially proud of providing leverage options that cater to a variety of trading styles.

      Regarding withdrawals, we appreciate your feedback. While we aim to process all withdrawal requests as quickly as possible, certain limitations, such as bank processing hours, can cause minor delays, particularly during late-night requests.

      We’re also glad to hear you enjoy the integrated TV feature on the platform—it’s designed to keep traders informed without leaving the trading interface!

      Best regards,
      Doto Team

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    Kelebihan dan kekurangan

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