A fairly large number of cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets are represented. The exchange itself is relatively young, but has already managed to recommend itself from a good side. Withdrawal of funds is often mentioned in the comments. They also do not have any problems with withdrawal of funds. The main thing is to provide all the docks at once, so that then quietly trade and do not think about anything
8 November 2021 at 15:58
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Hello Nika! Thank you for your feedback.
Our team does its best to meet the expectations of our customers. It’s nice to hear that you are happy with our crypto platform.
Regards, Currency.com team
More honest opinions from real people about the company Currency.com
Anonymous user2 years ago
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A total scam on the commissions...In one day, the commission for the Laverage increased by 11!!! times ... and nowhere is it written, and the deal is as it was...In chat, they say that everything is dynamic and you have to watch yourself...In short, their goal was to divorce the customer...Too bad, a... Read more
Natali Mosina2 years ago
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They wrote off all the money without warning
In short, I bought crypto on that platform at the beginning of 2021. For 150drllars. Since then I didn't use the account, but periodically went there and I was watching how my crypto is doing and how rich I am))
Today I went to look again and see that my account is zeroed out. В Transaction history... Read more
Petr Evseev2 years ago
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From my point of view
Signing up is easy, now I'm practicing on a demo account.
Decent exchange
A fairly large number of cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets are represented. The exchange itself is relatively young, but has already managed to recommend itself from a good side. Withdrawal of funds is often mentioned in the comments. They also do not have any problems with withdrawal of funds. The main thing is to provide all the docks at once, so that then quietly trade and do not think about anything