Convenient registration, quickly put and sold bit.Successful work hope for further cooperation
Quick, convenient registration, very quickly I brought a cue ball onto the platform and sold everything within two minutes. If in the future I need to sell the cue ball, it will only be for a bit to my dad. It’s also cool that there is a competition for a course with a prize in the chat)
I used it 4 times to sell the cue ball until I saw any downsides.
More honest opinions from real people about the company Bitpapa
1 year ago
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Account blocking
Good day everyone, I would like to join this topic, at the beginning of December I wrote a person in telegram with an offer to earn money on the cryptocurrency, and I was interested in it, said he would sell me cryptocurrency 5% cheaper than the market rate and recommended me a platform. BitPapa, the... Read more
Karen Kim2 years ago
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Bitpapa - has established itself as the most reliable P2P service
Good afternoon gentlemen. I would like to leave some nice words for Bitpapa.
Probably for two years I have been working here. Almost everything is perfect, there were no critical problems.
What I would like to note about this marketplace:
There are several opportunities to trade on the platform(website... Read more
SuperPapa2 years ago
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Reliable, time-tested platform
Hi everyone, it's been a year and a half since I left my first Bitpapa review here. Since then it's already 8800+ transactions behind me. Reliable platform and worthy of to be called the best. There is new functionality, added coins, new payment methods and at the same time and currencies for which you... Read more
Convenient registration, quickly put and sold bit.Successful work hope for further cooperation