United Traders
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Company review statistics for United Traders57 reviews
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On UT for more than half a...
On UT for more than half a year. The money was easily withdrawn through the payment system. The platform is convenient, the IPOs that investors select are profitable with profitability from +15 to +150% (in my personal experience).
So why am I withdrawing money and not staying with it:
1) The shares you "buy" through this platform are not owned by you, but by UT.
2) If you read the "Risk" which is publicly available on UT, you will see that all the risks are on you, including if the company closes down for any reason. You will not get your money back. Therefore, this partner is not suitable for long-term investment strategies.
3) If you take a short-term period, like me (6-7 months), the game is not worth the candle. All the profitability is eaten up by conditional commission. 10% on entry, 10% on exit, 20% of the profits. That’s not counting all the little commissions for each IPO.
I’m coming out with a small deficit.