Greetings All! Indeed with the statistics are strange cases, but that’s not the main thing – there were cases where you have already booked a late trip to Israel and in
Statistics were visible their data, and when the time came to withdrawal percentages on that day, all counters zeroed, when I asked managers what the reason, the answer
was of this nature – that it was only a reservation, but the tour was not redeemed, …I say – not in all three cases?) — more of an answer. There wasn’t, and of course all the stats were already clean… like this… It’s been a year since I was active in this direction, unfortunately… but that’s it is well presented by the guys from TPO Success im.
More honest opinions from real people about the company Travelpayouts
Grigori163 years ago
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I want to warn webmasters that the affiliate program is cheating and you will not only not make money, but also lose your time, labor, and lost profits.
I have a travel site that I monetized with two months ago. In my personal office, you can select and install... Read more
Oliver4 years ago
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Analyzing recent reviews of the Travelpayouts affiliate...
Analyzing recent reviews of the Travelpayouts affiliate network, we noticed that complaints about strange statistics and blocking have become more frequent earnings. Some webmasters even purposely buy tickets from their affiliate site, but do not see the purchase in the statistics partner network. In... Read more
Greetings All! Indeed with the statistics are...
Greetings All! Indeed with the statistics are strange cases, but that’s not the main thing – there were cases where you have already booked a late trip to Israel and in
Statistics were visible their data, and when the time came to withdrawal percentages on that day, all counters zeroed, when I asked managers what the reason, the answer
was of this nature – that it was only a reservation, but the tour was not redeemed, …I say – not in all three cases?) — more of an answer. There wasn’t, and of course all the stats were already clean… like this… It’s been a year since I was active in this direction, unfortunately… but that’s it is well presented by the guys from TPO Success im.