On Telegram they ban people for criticism, on Instagram they delete comments that they do not want to answer. The so-called “Ukrainian Exchange” cannot provide information about where it is registered and the code of the edrpau. Another scam by Nikolai Udyanskiy. Do not trade on this exchange!
More honest opinions from real people about the company qMall
Andrew F2 years ago
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Modern player with weird principles
Met this project by recommendation from my friend. There is something really interesting about qmall token and the team looks trustable. But my first experience with this exchange mostly looks like total scam.
So I deposited small amount of ETH for purchasing qmall token. Also I noticed you can deposit... Read more
Johny Capone3 years ago
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Great exchange!
I use Qmall for almost a year. I am very pleased with this exchanger, it has everything from quick transfers to a nice application with very cool functionality.
Moreover, exchanger already reached the European level, and this is incredibly cool! Also, I like the commission in their exchanger coins... Read more
Nikolay Dudnik3 years ago
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Stable exchange
During the use of exchanger, convinced in its stability, but to fully replace binans or kukoin, it is still very far. I use the exchange since January 2021, during this time only a couple of times there was a problem with receiving messages with confirmation code, and hanging withdrawal, which actually... Read more
Exchange qmall
On Telegram they ban people for criticism, on Instagram they delete comments that they do not want to answer. The so-called “Ukrainian Exchange” cannot provide information about where it is registered and the code of the edrpau. Another scam by Nikolai Udyanskiy. Do not trade on this exchange!