If you want to trade crypto and know you won’t get hacked, this exchange is for you. Very high level of account protection, from simple email notification to SMS notification for every transaction, 2fa protection, so you don’t fear for your coins. The very creation of transactions here is convenient and easy to use: a beginner or an experienced trader can figure it out in 10 minutes.
More honest opinions from real people about the company OKX
Zozo Roka1 year ago
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OKX steal money
You will be asked for a lot of documents that you will not physically have. especially certificates from work and tax authorities.
did everything to rob people. Beware of the exchange OKX - it's scammers and hustlers.
clara wagner1 year ago
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not real
Do not send sms code confirmation, although the number they tied and now I can not withdraw funds! Do not be fooled by this exchange, it's not an exchange but a scam and do not withdraw them anymore!
eric walter2 years ago
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how i got back my lost funds
They promised a guaranteed return on my investment but after investing my life savings, I got nothing in return. They seemed legitimate at first, but it was all a scam. I urge people to stay away from fake platforms and not risk their hard-earned money like I did.
If you want to trade crypto and...
If you want to trade crypto and know you won’t get hacked, this exchange is for you. Very high level of account protection, from simple email notification to SMS notification for every transaction, 2fa protection, so you don’t fear for your coins. The very creation of transactions here is convenient and easy to use: a beginner or an experienced trader can figure it out in 10 minutes.