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  • Company Review Neotrades
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    PAMM accounts

    Wassup guys, today i would like to share my review about neotrades broker, if to be more precise about pamm accounts. I have been trading for over one year and you know i was sick of trading for just the way and was not enjoying trading on the forex market after half a year. 😣
    I prefer to get high emotions and adrenaline during trading, so i wanted to find something unique for me to get back those emotions which i was feeling at the start of my trading path. That’s how I found out about pamm accounts in the neotrades company. I became a managing trader, gotta admit the procedure of opening a pamm account can be complicated for some traders and it takes some time to be approved by the neotrades team. 😅
    And now I’m enjoying trading again by being useful for investors who invested in my pamm account. 😎

    • Pamm account allows you to become not only a managing trader but also if you would like to get a passive income, you can be an investor and invest in those accounts which you like most. 😉
    • The technical support is competent and able to explain to you all the terms and conditions of using pamm accounts in simple terms and words so that everything is understandable from the first time. 🙌

More honest opinions from real people about the company Neotrades

  • Roberto R 3 months ago
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    Suits my needs

    MetaTrader5 with access to a good number of markets, all its timeframes and charts is already fine to me. On top of that, signals from Trading Cental - a good combo.
  • Anonymous user 4 months ago
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    Solid broker

    At first glance, I was really hesitant to start trading with Neotrades. The thing that was giving me those doubts, was the minimum higher deposit required, which for a beginner was a sufficient amount. But, I overcame this challenge and opened the standard account. The conditions are really great: multiple... Read more
  • Mario Jaimes 4 months ago
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    Solid Platform

    This makes Neotrades a reliable trading platform with ease of trading, frequent withdrawal, realistic payout, and a responsive customer care, benchmark whereby I would recommend the trading platform for students utilizing it.
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