Millennium & Copthorne Hotels (M&C)
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Looking at the overall ratings of Millennium...
Looking at the overall ratings of Millennium & Copthorne Hotels on the internet, the user will see that the company has good reputation among Russian-speaking and international clients, and on many review sites travelers actively discuss the organization and share their impressions. about room stays. There are nearly 3,000 reviews of Millennium & Copthorne Hotels on the TripAdvisor platform, with the most Customers gave high marks to the company for cleanliness in the rooms, excellent quality of service, as well as for the comfortable location of the hotels. Also You can find comments about the availability of all amenities, including private parking, lounge bar, 24-hour security and uninterrupted Internet access. As for the negative comments, they are quite few and a portion of customers called this hotel “average”, noting its mediocrity and standardized set of services. Of course, this opinion is subjective and cannot characterize Millennium & Copthorne Hotels as unreliable company, but such publications still affect the overall rating of the service. Have you stayed in Millennium & Copthorne Hotels? If yes, how would you rate the service? Is there anything you would like to share with other travelers?