I’ve been on Mamba for a month now, so much communication appeared at once) I don’t feel lonely anymore, but I haven’t found the right one yet). I hope to finally get married soon) On Mamba, unlike other sites, you don’t have to pay to see likes and candidates there I do a search through the profiles and choose those who are suitable for communication) Mostly I go straight to the live broadcasts, so that I can see how similar the person is to the photos, and this kind of communication appeals to me more than correspondence. I should have been hesitant to use sites before dating.
you don't have to pay extra
did not have
Mamba Dating
Anna Soplivina
1 February 2022 at 18:05
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Good afternoon, Anna!
We are glad you liked our application. We have done a lot of work and continue to do so, so that communication on our service brought only joy, such feedback inspires us to new achievements. Thank you!
More honest opinions from real people about the company Mamba
Vitalina Makina3 years ago
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It’s as if I discovered a new world for myself with Mamba)
I used to think that my life was boring and tedious, all I did was work, and I didn't see any recreational activities. So with my girlfriends I decided Now I can't let my phone out of my hands. Constantly, as soon as I get a minute, I run to answer all I've already gone on three dates, I even like the... Read more
Arkadiy Kirillov3 years ago
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The application has many advantages
I love beautiful women and I can't do anything about it. I have been sitting on Mamba for 2 months now, it is productive, there were several dates, I even managed to I was in a relationship for two weeks, but they didn't see eye to eye. The app is handy, and you can chat live with the person, see him... Read more
Anna Soplivina3 years ago
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There is a free service to see likes and guests
I've been on Mamba for a month now, so much communication appeared at once) I don't feel lonely anymore, but I haven't found the right one yet). I hope to finally get married soon) On Mamba, unlike other sites, you don't have to pay to see likes and candidates there I do a search through the profiles... Read more
There is a free service to see likes and guests
I’ve been on Mamba for a month now, so much communication appeared at once) I don’t feel lonely anymore, but I haven’t found the right one yet). I hope to finally get married soon) On Mamba, unlike other sites, you don’t have to pay to see likes and candidates there I do a search through the profiles and choose those who are suitable for communication) Mostly I go straight to the live broadcasts, so that I can see how similar the person is to the photos, and this kind of communication appeals to me more than correspondence. I should have been hesitant to use sites before dating.