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  • Company Review Jade Goddess
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    In general, at first glance the game...

    In general, at first glance the game is good, but playing and increasing the level appears the need for donations, as further growth of the character is minimized, Dropping all sorts of pieces to pump the character, pets, etc. chance of falling 1% if not less. There is no balance in the game, on different servers the chance of The dropout of items is different. Economy in the game as such, too, there is no because the most part of items or quest things and fragments for the growth of the pet. For long time game has formed a pile of things that can not be disassembled, thrown away or sold and this problem is not solved during the existence of games. With the fragments of growth of the pet after pumping them accumulate a lot and also a problem, you could at least organize the dismantling of the same level increase a pet. And this way you can only throw it away.
    And there are still a lot of unsolved problems. A game copied from the Chinese with a crooked translation, zero Economy having in-game market, minimal drop percentage, unbalanced server merging, identical and monotonous eventualities which go round and round every month, constant hang-ups and server restarts. But the Payment button works always and without failures in this game.
    Without donate to play can be, but not for long.

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