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A GAME FOR CLOWNS, or how to waste time or money
The game has a packs there is counter packs, a bunch of heroes all counter everything … donkeys believe guides pump packs, then they take out more shrewd counter packs ( no there is no one pack for everything, repeat NO go to the clown guides pray haha))) then you like a sucker realize that you have to swing the other one hero for a year or two, or a lot of money … and then that person also pumps another … and here you are a bunch of donkeys from the top 1 to the top 1000 … pumping packs and counter packs … to Infinity … then introduce a new hero and yes yes yes !!! again counter packs and all this until you do not let the kindly foam from the mouth or you do not They’ll turn him in to the nuthouse that he lost a thousand bucks… I played at the chelal and understood everything in an hour))) Only this way to play created an ak pumped up to level 20 write in the chat room all the scum…s@ donated and you took their mom to the movies and got out and so on every day until they ban the ac. the whole game…good luck donkeys ))))