It’s really simple how you use the exchange. Simply select the cash pair you wish to swap, input the amount you wish to trade, and complete your transaction. When you close out a position, it will display a brief summary of your trade along with your overall total loss or gain. Experienced and intermediate dealers will value its notable selection of technical advice.
More honest opinions from real people about the company FXGiants
Jerry Wood2 months ago
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Easy trading process
My registration and verification was smooth and didn’t take much time… The broker offers various assets and has a wonderful support system. The broker is actually also a bit affordable for me and for 1 year now I have made a bit of a profit.
Thapelo Hughes3 months ago
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Various trading assets and easy Navigation
The broker offers options for different market instruments and this widens our portfolio and also increases my profit gains. I also like the simplicity of the navigation process.
Savit Pumpihon3 months ago
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Through my perspective
IMHO, the broker is an interesting one. I especially like how they realized the idea of dividing accounts depending on such parameters as commissions, spreads, order execution and other stuff. I have chosen the account without commissions but with tight spreads and ECN execution. Spreads on trading majors... Read more
It's really simple how you use the exchange.
It’s really simple how you use the exchange. Simply select the cash pair you wish to swap, input the amount you wish to trade, and complete your transaction. When you close out a position, it will display a brief summary of your trade along with your overall total loss or gain. Experienced and intermediate dealers will value its notable selection of technical advice.