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  • Company Review eToro
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    Trading instruments and assets
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    Withdrawal of funds

    There was an urgent need for me to withdraw a small portion of funds 23.09.22. on worldly affairs, so I failed! Probably not to scare me off, my assistant with the company (while leading on the transactions, as a beginner), suggested initially to check how the withdrawal works, withdraw $10, as The amount for such an opportunity (from the original $100), to which I agreed and did it at the end of July without any problems. And how did the amount for 2000 $, so when I withdraw, they write that I do not have the amount in my account, which could be withdrawn! And after I wrote to support, I They replied that they couldn’t see the clients’ funds. I’ll show you below in pictures of this nonsense. How can you see funds under $200 and not see a little more 2000 $? Isn’t it a sneaky lie to have a withdrawal clause and not to see the funds in the account? I don’t think it’s profitable to lose out of the company going inside her and increasing amounts, so they make up disgusting lies on the fly, for which they will have to answer before God! So after my second I was told that the answer would be within 14 working days. I again replied that I needed money urgently and had no time to wait half a month for What, they haven’t answered yet. Here you have a "serious broker" for years here advertising their activities and supposedly, you have no bad reviews on I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about. What’s the point of me lying if we all walk before God… and everyone has to answer?

    • I haven’t noticed the advantages yet, I don’t trade much yet...
    • I noticed a large spread at night during the work week. There is no trading on weekends. And I could write even more if I traded more extensively than before.

More honest opinions from real people about the company eToro

  • Angel Morisson 2 years ago
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    it's alright

    The platform is easy to use with great coverage but the withdrawal takes longer than what I expected. It also charges a bit more if you want to invest in Cryptocurrency. But still, it is good for people with little budget as it allows you to trade as low as 50.
  • eve soxe 3 years ago
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    “I had a withdrawal issue with them and couldn’t get my funds when i initiated a withdrawal, They ask me to pay 20% upfront fees, I did and they asked for me. It’s not so good if everyone complains about a particular issues and nothing is been done to correct it, Except we use external recovery companies... Read more
  • Ulyyana Isakova 3 years ago
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    Gromova employee cheats and extorts money, allegedly to transfer what is in the account. At the end of the day, there is no money!!!
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