More honest opinions from real people about the company Desertcart
Company review statistics for Desertcart12 reviews
Assortment of goods
Convenience of order placement
Operation of the store's delivery service
Convenience of returning goods
Hier kann etwas nicht stimmen.....
One star because zero stars do not go……
The company offers branded products of a company without even being affiliated with that company. s business, in particular, the products are offered for shipment from the USA, but the company is based in the EU and has not yet entered the U.S. market, so there are no shipments to the U.S., consequently, goods of the brand also do not come from the U.S. can be shipped. In particular, radio products may not and cannot be imported into the USA without registration, this fulfill the products in question, but are supposed to be in the USA. Absolutely impossible! These kinds of business models have been on the rise lately.
The offers are likely to have been pulled from other online platforms (in particular, the ratings on desercart are in the wording one and the same as on the other, well-known online platform), whether you actually receive goods when ordering and paying, I doubt.