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    Crypto exchange Bitget steals from users

    Bitget cryptocurrency fraud scheme

    An example of the case below is implemented in the copyridding service of this cryptocurrency

    The case looks like this, The trader whose trades are copied takes a short position from 20k to 21k with a difference of 100, the average price is 21500. At 20700 he resets some of the orders to 20800/20900/21000 (each order has its own serial number, the exact entry and closing price of the transaction) in the report also display + result and in the statistics as a positive financial result!
    But the actual situation is different, the exchange does not legally change the price The order is closed by the average price of the entire position and fixes the loss on the closing of orders (but the main thing here is that in fact this particular order was closed in the + and the exchange only recorded a technical loss on it by taking (or to put it bluntly, by stealing money from the trader’s capital), moreover, the trader whose the deal was copied got a commission for it despite the fact that the copying got a loss and the exchange accordingly got its own, and so it scrolls a few times before the price goes below the average.
    The situation is aggravated if there are several subscriptions on the account and another trader starts to dial and close in the same way trades above the average and so rolls until you are lucky enough to close trades below the average. As a result in the trader’s report +, in the trades report +, and in In fact, the exchange has stolen a lot of money and this scheme has been going on for over a year with a huge number of people and people do not even understand why they have

    • No
    • theft of funds

More honest opinions from real people about the company Bitget

  • Davi Pacheco 1 year ago
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    Crypto exchange Bitget.com

    Good day! Got on the exchange on a referral link. This is my third exchange. And it is the best. Starting P2P, immediately tell you if you need, so that you do not make mistakes. In the chat Telegram help to solve all your questions. Thanks guys! Cool!
  • Enea Villa 1 year ago
    Rate your review 1

    Is it worth using Bitget?

    I have been using the exchange for a month, I like the application much better than the competitors (especially if you compare with the yellow exchange). If you have any questions support is very quick to help through email or through the app .For a short period of time earned a good amount on simple... Read more
  • Andrés C 1 year ago
    Rate your review 0

    Bitget exchange is just top, I do...

    Bitget exchange is just top, I do not have enough words to describe my emotions from the exchange .The main pluses of the exchange is a large selection of coins, promotions for newcomers and old accounts, I also want to note tech.service .This is the people who should be equal to other exchanges.
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