The cryptocurrency exchange BitexBook appeared on the...
The cryptocurrency exchange BitexBook appeared on the market quite recently, but already many traders in Russia were able to assess all the advantages of the site. Low commissions, fast verification and the availability of fiat are among the advantages of users. However, from recent reviews, we realized that fictitious trades are often encountered on the exchange. And did you come across such a phenomenon on BitexBook, tell us about your experience.
More honest opinions from real people about the company BitexBook
Sergey5 years ago
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Fictitious bidding. Be careful! I'm attaching a...
Fictitious bidding. Be careful! I'm attaching a screenshot. Who needs it he will understand.
The cryptocurrency exchange BitexBook appeared on the...
The cryptocurrency exchange BitexBook appeared on the market quite recently, but already many traders in Russia were able to assess all the advantages of the site. Low commissions, fast verification and the availability of fiat are among the advantages of users. However, from recent reviews, we realized that fictitious trades are often encountered on the exchange. And did you come across such a phenomenon on BitexBook, tell us about your experience.