More honest opinions from real people about the company Banggood
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Assortment of goods
Convenience of order placement
Operation of the store's delivery service
Convenience of returning goods
no compensation after a damaged bike
I bought an electronic bicycle from banggod and after 3 days the motor stopped working..Just to be sure i went to the mechanics he said it is deffenetly a problem with a motor. I spent 30 euros for opinion.I cannot use my bike its arrived with damaged motor..
Afteri opened a dispute banggood sended me a motor without a house and with shorter cable which is reduced the service cost.i payed plus 36000 huf.
Under the dispute Banggood promised me to pay back partly the service cost 18000 HUF and i have a screensot about that.
So once again i got a damaged product the bangood solution was to send me only a motor and they asked me that can i build it in?No it is a profession so i had to pay a service to build it in.
The servicer told me that i did not got exactly the same size of the motor and with a shorter cable(they has to change it)that is why the service cost was 36000 huf.
On the dispute the dispute team promised me when i got the motor they will pay partly the service cost 18000 huf.Even they confirmed my bank account number. Of course i didn’t get any money.
Now they are ignoring my question about the payment and they are not planning to pay back the amount.
It is not about i need to choose between refund or change the product. Because they sended only a plain motor of course i had to pay service cost what they need to pay back!