More honest opinions from real people about the company Banggood
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Assortment of goods
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Convenience of returning goods
The product doesn't work. They send for a long time. There is no normal feedback. Email advertising - daily
I was looking for a socket with a radio remote, as I could not find it in my country. After ordering, they wrote at first that the product is not yet available, waiting for them from the factory. We waited, a few months later they sent it back. The remote control does not adjust in any way. The manual leaflet in English did not help, does not work. Similar The model is not available on the Internet, nor are there any manuals for it. The site does not have a simple, quick and easy way to get feedback, which could be used for acceptable time for a business person. There are icons of chat rooms, mail, messengers, but they are inactive. In short, choosing expressions, the next non-serious guys, which I block from the first joint and forever [including the annoying ads they send daily since registration]. Appreciate your time, gentlemen ). P.S. I bought a socket with remote control in Moscow. Simple to set up and work.
I was looking for ‘Remote Controlled Switch Power Socket’, because I didn’t find it in my country. After checkout, first they wrote the goods were not yet available, "we are waiting for them from the factory". They waited, a few months later they sent. Arrived. The remote controller is not configured in any way. Leaf manual in English did not help, does not work. There is no such model in Iнтернет, as well as manual to it. The site does not have a simple quick and understandable way of feedback, which could be used for an acceptable time for a busy person. There are chat, mail, messenger icons, but they are