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  • Company Review Ainvesting
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    Short EUR/USD

    I’m totally delighted to collaborate with the ainvesting broker. If I recall correctly, I joined them last year and since then I have been trading non-stop everyday. The time flew fast and it has been more than 1 year to be here. A month ago, I made one of the tremendous profits in my trading career when I opened a big short on the EUR/USD. As soon as Trump won the presidential election, I knew what would happen with the eurusd and next year is definitely going to be a year of USD. 💵

    • The trading conditions are favourable and even when I’m trading during high volatility, spreads stay the same without widening. I find it really nice! 😁
    • The number of tradable assets could be wider in my opinion. I believe that a broker of such a class can allow more than other brokers. 🙌
    • The support team answers my questions quickly but sometimes it’s getting hard to understand what they are talking about. It would be great if they explain everything in more detail and with simple terms. 🧐

More honest opinions from real people about the company Ainvesting

  • Damien Gilson 4 months ago
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    Idéal pour les opérations à long terme

    Je ne sais pas s'ils autorisent le scalping, et je m'en fiche un peu. Je ne trade qu'à l'échelle H4 et journalière, uniquement à long terme. Voir une tendance et s'y tenir. C'est la seule façon rentable à long terme, je pense. Ce n'est pas aussi facile que ça en a l'air. Tom Hougaard, un day trader très... Read more
  • Adrian Torje 4 months ago
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    It is suitable for traders seeking a reliable trading platform

    Ainvesting provides a good trading platform with minimal traffic and an exhaustive number of tools for trading. Due to being a trader for some years, I was rather impressed with a set of the assets they offered, including forex, commodities, and others. T
  • Lucas Derambure 4 months ago
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    Courtier performant

    Je fais partie des traders qui tradent sur la plateforme de ce courtier depuis de nombreuses années. Au fil des années, bien sûr, je me suis habitué aux services de la société et je suis généralement satisfait de mon expérience de trading En ce qui concerne le service, les outils et les conditions... Read more
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