Live Chart for Binary Options

Published:6 November 2015 Updated:4 January 2024

The chart shows the pair USD/RUB with a time interval of 1 hour.
You can change currency pairs, put any other instruments on your own. And also, change the type of chart display, add economic indicators.


new TradingView.widget(
“width”: 980,
“height”: 610,
“symbol”: “FX_IDC:RUBUSD”,
“interval”: “180”,
“timezone”: “Etc/UTC”,
“theme”: “light”,
“style”: “1”,
“locale”: “ru”,
“toolbar_bg”: “#f1f3f6”,
“enable_publishing”: false,
“allow_symbol_change”: true,
“container_id”: “tradingview_26d6a”

Heat map of currencies” widget

The Currency Heatmap widget provides a brief overview of forex market activity. It allows you to identify strong and weak currency pairs in real time and compare them to other currencies. This tool will help you both with selecting trading strategies and with finding the right moment to make a successful trade. Create customized rate sheets in a few clicks by selecting the currencies you want. For your users to see this widget, just copy the code to paste it once you’ve set everything up as you need it.


“width”: 770,
“height”: 400,
“currencies”: [
“locale”: “ru”

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