How to Trade Stocks on the Stock Exchange

Published:2 January 2016 Updated:7 November 2024

What is better, to buy on the stock market a share of Apple for $100 and get a profit of $2 in a month or to buy on the futures market an option to grow shares of Apple for $100 and get a profit of $90? The answer is obvious! That’s why, wondering how to buy stock on the exchange, modern investors prefer binary options over the physical purchase of securities.

How to Trade Stocks on the Stock Exchange

How to buy a stock – growth options or buy an asset

So, in today’s investment world, investors have a wide range of instruments with which they can invest and profit. In the stock market, investors can purchase securities physically or make investments in the rise or fall of their prices. Both, if approached correctly, can make a profit. But the size of this profit will be completely different, as well as the time spent on its extraction. Therefore, now we are going to thoroughly deal with the question – how to buy shares on the stock exchange and obtain the maximum profit in the shortest possible time. And we will start with a comparison of the 2 types of investments described above: the physical purchase of securities and the purchase of an option to increase or decrease the value of the asset.

The entry bar to the investment

Buying a share in a reliable company has always been considered cool. However, when you start to understand how to buy shares on the stock exchange, any desire to become a stock market investor disappears. After all, in order to buy an Apple, Google or Yandex security, you need to register with a stock broker and make a trading deposit of 500,000 rubles. Whereas investors in the options market, who don’t physically buy stocks but rather bet on their growth or decline, can start their career in the financial market with 500 rubles. Agree, the difference is enormous! But it is not only from the initial bar of entering the financial market. The main thing is profitability!

How to buy shares on the stock exchange – profit or expectation of profit

Yes, the most important thing is the profit you are going to make from your investment. Did you come to the financial market to get 2% or 100% a month? Investments in the stock market, more than 2%-3% of the amount of investment will never bring you! And this despite the fact that initially you will have to spend about half a million rubles to purchase shares, otherwise you simply will not become a client of the stock broker and will not be able to invest. In the options market, 1 transaction can bring you 90% of the investment amount. In this case you will have to spend from 500 rubles (according to the trading conditions of the broker of binary options Binomo).

That is why the physical purchase of securities is a caprice for the rich, who have almost nothing from these investments. And all stories about high returns on the stock market are just a fiction that makes people buy securities of various companies, thereby sponsoring their activities, and then receive dividends of 2% per year and ponder on the question – why did I actually need such investments. No, if you invest money, you should get money in return, not years of waiting for profits!

Stock exchange for trading stocks

Why binary options?

The only factor that plays against options investors is risk, which is higher than in the stock market. But also the profits in the market binary options tens or even hundreds of times more! As a result, we have the following two products, if you choose one of them, you get:

Investments in the stock market:

1. The bar for starting an investment is too high – about 500,000 rubles.
2. Return on investment – about 2%-3% per month.
3. Conservative risks.

Investing in the options market:

1. The minimum amount to invest – from 500 rubles.
2. Return on investment – about 100% per month.
3. Increased risks.

You have the right to decide how to buy stocks on the stock exchange. To buy them physically or to invest in their growth or decline. But the majority of modern investors choose binary options, thanks to which, even in spite of the increased financial risks, one can earn much more than on the stock market. Because the amount of probable profitability more than compensates any risks!

Moreover, you can try to trade in the binary options market for free, without depositing in the trading account with the broker! For example, at the broker Binomo there are tournaments on demo accounts, on which you can win real money. That is, binary options from scratch is a real opportunity to enter the options market with empty pockets and start making profit today!

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  • Rate your review 0

    If you want to engage in investment, you need to invest very large sums of money. This is designed primarily for those people who have funds readily available that need to be invested at a good interest rate. In the first case you practically do not risk, let receiving a small profit, in the second case you can either double your capital or lose. The choice is yours.

    • Serega Zaremba 17 January 2016 at 19:30
      Rate your response 0

      What instruments for trading do traders prefer nowadays? Do they trade stocks or currencies? Is it possible to trade both successfully at the same time?

  • Rate your review 0

    There is no need to build “air castles” in this matter either. Yes, it is possible to earn money, but the profitability is at the expense of losing traders, if I understand correctly. Therefore, those who are in the luce are about 15%. In other words, it is not free money, but work and analysis.

  • Rate your review 0

    I wouldn’t compare the stock market to the options market. Serious players hang out on the stock market. It is also indicated here why – the risks are conservative and minimal. Another thing – you need a lot of money. There is a saying – money makes money. But 90% profit is very doubtful.

    • Danil Admin Denis Ivanov 14 January 2016 at 16:03
      Rate your response 0

      Denis, what exactly is questionable? Profit in binary options? Binomo has 87%, what exactly do you have doubts about?

    • Roma Denis Ivanov 15 January 2016 at 10:22
      Rate your response 0

      What about those who want to earn money, but do not have a million in their pocket, which is necessary for trading on stock markets? That is what options are for. Yes, the risks are greater, but the percentage of profit is great!

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