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  • Company Review trendHERO
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    Turn off auto renewal immediately!

    I have had a negative experience of working with the site. But, in essence, this is my mistake, but alas, it is embedded "systematically" in the algorithm of working with the client of this site.
    I bought a subscription – I liked everything, except that there are few checks available and they are expensive. But the functionality of the site compensates for the price.
    But there is an automatic subscription during the purchase. (which should already be alarming). But they warn that it can be turned off. И To be fair, it can be easily deactivated.
    But the problem arose further on – since the subscription was terminated, the next month I was charged 35 euros again for the following month services. And this monthly subscription includes 50 instagram account verifications. And now for the fun part. If you’re like me, working with bloggers it is a facultative – and you have not used the paid services within the allotted month written off from you "automatically" – then that’s it, the money is paid and the services you bought are no longer available. Time’s up, pay more. And most importantly, what you didn’t use from the services you bought "checks", you will not be restored, and they only give 50 of them for a month for 35 euros a month. Yes, you can buy more if you need more per month, but you have to pay for them. for essentially the same price.

    There would be no question about them if
    1 – there was no auto-renewal automatically enabled.
    2 – if auto-renewal is included, then everything you bought stays with you. And you can always use it. So you bought 50 checks, you can use it whenever you want.

    • Convenient, there are video tutorials with functionality on YouTube, there is a telegram channel with news - but everyone who sells anything has all this)
    • Customer Policy. I strongly recommend turning off “auto-renewal” immediately. Since all unused “Instagram account checks” that you have not used, if the tariff is not renewed, are not frozen - but simply taken away from you. You paid for them, but you no longer have them) And even if you later buy a subscription again, they will not be restored to you. This is the policy for working with clients at the site. That is, you paid, did not use the service, and everything that you did not use as soon as you stopped making monthly payments, for example, decided to “interrupt” your activities, is no longer yours, you no longer have them. Even though you paid for it. That is, the site does not sell you 50 checks for 35 euros, but it gives you the “opportunity” to use them within a “certain period”, and if you don’t use them, no more checks for you. At the same time, for the next month it debits money “automatically” unless you specifically go in and turn off this function.
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