They asked for a scanned copy of my passport to open a real account. What for? It is not clear, because the company is Ukrainian.There is such a document, but with expired validity. They write – it does not fit, give the actual. If you need the last name in Latin characters, so there it is, and the data in such an expired passport is genuine. For some reason I was asked to indicate my bank card number in the form – I didn’t give it, of course. It all looks a bit murky.
14 August 2021 at 18:56
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Who will allow you to invest money without full information about you, if they want, they have the right to ask for information about the origin of your capital and so on, in short it’s ok.
More honest opinions from real people about the company Svit Invest
Trifon5 years ago
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They asked for a scanned copy of...
They asked for a scanned copy of my passport to open a real account. What for? It is not clear, because the company is Ukrainian.There is such a document, but with expired validity. They write - it does not fit, give the actual. If you need the last name in Latin characters, so there it is, and the data... Read more
They asked for a scanned copy of...
They asked for a scanned copy of my passport to open a real account. What for? It is not clear, because the company is Ukrainian.There is such a document, but with expired validity. They write – it does not fit, give the actual. If you need the last name in Latin characters, so there it is, and the data in such an expired passport is genuine. For some reason I was asked to indicate my bank card number in the form – I didn’t give it, of course. It all looks a bit murky.