Know Fashion Style
Total reviews 2
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Company review statistics for Know Fashion Style2 reviews
Assortment of goods
Convenience of order placement
Operation of the store's delivery service
Convenience of returning goods
To find out if Internet users like...
To find out if Internet users like the store, we studied the reviews of different websites. But there weren’t very many, and most of them customers are dissatisfied with the work of Know Fashion Style. The reason for dissatisfaction is that the clothes are often of poor quality, and it is difficult to return the products. Also complain about the long delivery time. In some cases the goods never arrived. As for the positive reviews, they are associated with a good quality-price ratio of products, a wide range of goods. Often customers note that the prices of goods are affordable, so they are ready to order products from Know Fashion Style in the future as well. Our readers’ opinions about the store are also interesting. Share your experiences on this page.