In its 23 years of operation, Priceline’s online booking service has gained a reputation as one of the most reliable companies where you can rent a car, book a hotel room and buy an airline ticket at the lowest price. On the Internet, the user will see more than a thousand different reviews about the company, including neutral and negative comments. On the international platform TrustPilot travelers actively share their experience with Priceline, noting A competent search system, user-friendly interface, constant bonuses and friendly support service. You can also find publications about successful refunds There are some cases where, according to one user, the company was helpful and returned the money in a short period of time without additional proceedings. But there are also less positive reviews, where Priceline received the most negative ratings for its car rental feature. According to the panelists, partner companies do not follow the terms of the contract and travelers receive the wrong cars and not in the specified location. Tell us if you have had an experience of renting a Priceline-powered car? Have you experienced similar problems? If yes, did you manage to solve them?
In its 23 years of operation, Priceline's...
In its 23 years of operation, Priceline’s online booking service has gained a reputation as one of the most reliable companies where you can rent a car, book a hotel room and buy an airline ticket at the lowest price. On the Internet, the user will see more than a thousand different reviews about the company, including neutral and negative comments. On the international platform TrustPilot travelers actively share their experience with Priceline, noting A competent search system, user-friendly interface, constant bonuses and friendly support service. You can also find publications about successful refunds There are some cases where, according to one user, the company was helpful and returned the money in a short period of time without additional proceedings. But there are also less positive reviews, where Priceline received the most negative ratings for its car rental feature. According to the panelists, partner companies do not follow the terms of the contract and travelers receive the wrong cars and not in the specified location. Tell us if you have had an experience of renting a Priceline-powered car? Have you experienced similar problems? If yes, did you manage to solve them?