Since the review was written and the date of its last update, the situation with the bot’s rating on the network has changed significantly – users began to complain about the service en masse, which negatively affected the overall rating of Autocrypto-Bot. Most of the complaints concern the platform’s unfairness and its questionable regulation, as well as difficulties in the initial setup. Unlike many other bots, Autocrypto-Bot has a large number of flexible parameters, where you can choose leverage, the maximum number of open trades, the choice of applied indicators and much more. It is also worth paying attention to the robot’s versatility, as it can work with different types of digital currencies. Nevertheless, such an impressive arsenal of tools was not noticed by Russian-speaking traders, and several thematic resources are full of negative publications. The participants of the discussion paid special attention to broker consultations, which help traders to correctly analyze current forecasts. According to them, analysts deliberately try to induce users to take part in knowingly losing trading operations. Tell us, have you worked with Autocrypto-Bot? If yes, how did you evaluate the quality of services? Do you agree with the opinion of other users?
Since the review was written and the...
Since the review was written and the date of its last update, the situation with the bot’s rating on the network has changed significantly – users began to complain about the service en masse, which negatively affected the overall rating of Autocrypto-Bot. Most of the complaints concern the platform’s unfairness and its questionable regulation, as well as difficulties in the initial setup. Unlike many other bots, Autocrypto-Bot has a large number of flexible parameters, where you can choose leverage, the maximum number of open trades, the choice of applied indicators and much more. It is also worth paying attention to the robot’s versatility, as it can work with different types of digital currencies. Nevertheless, such an impressive arsenal of tools was not noticed by Russian-speaking traders, and several thematic resources are full of negative publications. The participants of the discussion paid special attention to broker consultations, which help traders to correctly analyze current forecasts. According to them, analysts deliberately try to induce users to take part in knowingly losing trading operations. Tell us, have you worked with Autocrypto-Bot? If yes, how did you evaluate the quality of services? Do you agree with the opinion of other users?