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    I would like to tell you about...

    I would like to tell you about my experience of trading using the Apitrade service. I have been familiar with the service since 2018. Yes, the work of the service at that time left me with ambiguous memories. At that time there was the main algorithm “Waves”. My deposit was increasing, even though it did not give “ixes”, but still. And at one point there was an “akhtung” – the service for the transaction bought coins, which sagged more than 2 times. We had to wait for a long time. Not waiting to close in “plus”, I made a “minus” on my own, so that I could win back on the next transactions. As a result, the coins grew after some time, but my loss from selling “in the minus” by that time was already overlapped by profitable deals.
    Then for a number of reasons I stopped using the service and remembered about it at the beginning of 2021. What was my surprise that after almost 2.5 years of my absence, I was able to log on to without any problems, and the money that remained on the balance of the service did not evaporate anywhere, and I was able to immediately start using the service.
    Now the main algorithm is “Squeeze-bot”. Using this algorithm, I was able to double my initial deposit in BUSD in 3 months. In my opinion, this is the best option among all possible trading bots.
    Recently, the service has launched a new algorithm for trading on futures (on the Binance exchange). By running this algorithm on recommended (read – almost safe) settings, you can increase your deposit by 2-5% per day.
    There are recommended settings for each algorithm. But each user can change them at his/her discretion. So, based on my personal experience, I can say that 99% of cases when users get a negative result when using the Service are related to either their inattention or overestimation of risks in the settings of the Service. Another 1% is left for system errors, because even machine intelligence can make mistakes, not to mention failures in the data network.
    Summarizing, I can only say that the service is excellent, I recommend it to everyone who wants to get a good income with a minimum expenditure of time. Even those who don’t understand anything about trading can start using the Service, and any questions that arise, even if they are explained in the FAQ, can be answered promptly in the Service’s Telegram channel or through the support service.
    Success and profit to everyone!!!

More honest opinions from real people about the company

  • Ivan Safronov 2 years ago
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    Beware scammers!

    A team of outright crooks, I am amazed that someone still uses this service.
  • Ivan Dobriy 3 years ago
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    It’s not you who will make money, but for you

    It is better to give your extra money to the weak and needy than to feed these insolent and greedy scam artists. Or just walk on by.
  • Anonymous user 3 years ago
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    Not everything goes smoothly with technical support

    I've been using it for a long time, everything was fine, until the moment when they banned me in all chats and channels on the service without explanation. Strange behavior continued when, when asked what to do, they said, make another account in Teleg. Damn, then the meaning of the ban? Clearly it... Read more
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